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I stared at Harry who was lying on the floor with blood gushing out of his stomach, I looked at the window on the other side of the room and Harry saw this.

"Melanie..don't" he said between breaths, I looked at my bloodstained hands and ran across the room. I noticed Harry trying to get up but he fell back down and groaned in pain, I kicked the window and it shattered into tiny bits of glass.

"Melanie!" he shouted, followed shortly by a scream of pain. I jumped out of the window and tears poured out of my eyes, I ran as fast as I could but all I could see was trees..and more trees.

I spun around trying to find an escape route but there was nothing, Harry's screams of pain were heard from inside the house.

"Melanie" I heard him shout, I started running again. I took deep breaths in and out trying to focus on my running, "help me" I screamed.

I could hear my heartbeat increasing, "someone please help me!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Nothing. Not one sound was shed in the atmosphere.

I heard a stick snap from behind me, I turned around and saw nothing. I carefully looked around, "is anyone there? Please help me!" I shouted.

Another stick snapped and I began running again, faster than before. If I kept running, there would surely be an exit out of this forest maze.

I ran as fast as I could for 10 more minutes until I couldn't anymore, I leant against a tree for support. I looked around and there was no sign of an exit, just trees.

I tried to catch my breath, it doesn't really help that I have weak lungs. I heard the sound of metal clinking together, I turned around and saw a figure in the distance.

Hope sparked up inside of me, I ran towards the figure and waved my hands about. I took a deep breath and screamed "please, you need to help me. This weirdo has kidnapped me and I don't know where I am..please hel-" I stopped when I saw the mop of curls bouncing as the figure ran to me.

My stomach dropped and I took a couple of steps back, I felt as if I were paralysed. He ran up to me and knocked me to the floor, he slapped a handcuff onto my wrist whilst the other was on his.

He straddled me and took deep breathes in and out, "help me!" I screamed. I started thrashing about trying to get him off me but he just stared at me, he collapsed on top of me and started choking.

Tears rushed down my face, I felt a warm liquid on my shoulder and neck. I looked to my right and saw he was choking up blood, I screamed for help again.

Suddenly the atmosphere went silent, Harry had stopped coughing. I looked at him and his eyes were closed, I started panicking as I realised that there was a dead body on top of me.

Was he dead?

I tried to push him off my body but he was too heavy, I cried harder as the blood from his stomach was now covering my own. I just killed someone.

I'm a murderer.

Everything started to darken, I tried to focus on getting free but my mind and body just shut down, within seconds the world around turned black.

**7 Hours Later**

I started to regain consciousness, my head suddenly started throbbing. I cupped the back of my head with my free hand hoping to ease the headache, it didn't work.

I opened my eyes and saw I was in bed, but not my own. The same, familiar bed. Tears started rolling down my cheeks as my chances of escape were impossible, I was back.

I was back in Hell.

I heard deep groans come from outside of the bedroom door, after a few minutes the door opened revealing the Devil himself.

He looked as pale as ever, he saw I was awake and slowly walked over to me. I cried in defeat, I thought I killed the motherfucker!

He held his stomach and sat on the edge of the bed, "get away from me.." I croaked. His eyes looked heavy and he laid beside me, "I guess you're not as innocent as I thought.." he joked.

How can he joke at a time like this?

I stared up at the plain, white ceiling. Nothing interesting but better than looking at him. He lifted his shirt up and looked at the deep wound on his stomach, his head collapsed back on to the pillow and he sighed deeply.

"I can't believe you actually thought you would get away.." he said, I ignored him which made him look at me.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and lifted my dress up, he traced his finger over the name engraved in my skin. "This..this means you are mine, only mine. You will stay with me forever Melanie, you can never escape from me..even when I'm half dead with God knows how much blood pouring out of me" he said, chuckling at the end.

He leant over and gently kissed my cheek, "fuck you" I spat. He rolled his eyes and slapped a handcuff on my free wrist, he slapped the other on to his wrist. I tried to pull my wrist out of the metal but failed miserably.

"You're mine"

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