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*3 Months Later*


"Melanie, open this fucking door now!" Harry boomed, more tears rolled down my face. I was currently leant against the bathroom door with my knees to my chest, he booted the door and groaned loudly.

I didn't want to go out there, he had what he calls 'his equipment' out and was ready to use it on me. "Mel! I just want to hear the heartbeat!" he croaked, I shook my head but realized he couldn't see me.

3 months pregnant with his child, for the second time. But this time, the baby inside of me was formed. It wasn't a blood clot, this was a living thing inside of me.

How could I let this happen? I'm 17 and pregnant. "Melanie, I'm going to kick the door down if you don't come out in 10 seconds" Harry shouted.

"1,2,3" he shouted, I shakily stood up knowing what he was capable of. My fingers reached the lock and I turned it until it clicked, "7,8,9".

I opened the door and saw him leaning against the door frame, he smiled at me and said "10". I wiped my eyes and breathed deeply, "come on" he said holding out his arms.

I ignored him making him roll his eyes, he grabbed my wrists and pulled me into him gently. He lead me to the bedroom and sat me down on a bean bag, "how is it?" he asked referring to the pregnancy.

"Horrible" I said shakily, he was setting up his equipment and replied "why?". I stared at him in disgust and said "because it's your baby", I slapped my hand over my mouth when I realized I said that out loud.

His head shot up and he looked shocked, "what?" he growled. I shook my head and replied "n-nothing", he crawled over to me and hovered above me.

"It better have been nothing" he said harshly, he pulled my shirt up just above my bump. I stared at my stomach in disappointment, I was disappointed because I couldn't treat this child right whilst living here. I couldn't give it the life it deserves.

The bump was the size of a small melon, I snapped out of my daydream when Harry squirted cold jelly onto my stomach. He plugged in his earphones and pressed the electrical device to the still growing bump,  he held it there for a few seconds and then moved it around.

Minutes passed in silence and his eyes suddenly lit up, he closed his eyes and breathed out deeply whilst smiling. "I can hear it" he whispered, he took the earphones out of his ears and placed them in mine.

The sound of a heartbeat filled my ears, I sighed and pulled the earphones out of my ears. "Mel? What's wrong?" Harry asked nervously, I shook my head and replied "I don't want this baby Harry".

His face dropped and he stayed silent, he got a paper towel and wiped the jelly off my stomach. He packed away the electrical device and the earphone things and locked the box back up, I pulled my shirt down so it was covering me again.

"Why not? This is our chance Melanie" he said whilst biting his fingernail, I mentally gagged and pulled his hand away from his mouth. "Oh my God, don't bite your fingernails" I cringed, he rolled his eyes and mocked me, "Oh my God, don't change the subject".

I sighed and sat back in the bean bag, "listen, I don't want to bring a child into this environment. If I have a child I want he or she to feel safe, to feel loved" I explained.

Harry looked hurt, "I will love that child more than anything" he croaked. I sighed deeply and continued, "I want to have a child with someone I love, I don't want to have a child through rape".

He stared at me and was silent, "we made love, Melanie" he said sternly. I exhaled and rubbed my face with my hands, "no, no we didn't because I don't love you" I groaned.

I looked at my stomach and back at Harry, "don't you feel at all guilty?" I asked out of curiosity. I wanted to know if a human being could be so heartless and evil.

He shook his head and replied "why would I? We made love but you obviously won't understand that and I have you and a baby on the way, why would I feel guilty? I finally for once in my life, have everything I want".

My hand twitched and before I could control my actions, I had slapped him hard across the face. His head snapped to the side at the impact and he held his cheek, "right" he said quietly.

He looked at me and pushed me back onto the bean bag, he quickly hovered over me and pinned my wrists above my head. "I'm going to let that slide because you're carrying my baby but I also read that women have mood swings and mixed hormones whilst pregnant so I guess I'm going to have to let everything slide" he said.

"Unless you really piss me off then you'll get it" he threatened, I stared up at him and replied "do you see what I mean? What if our child pisses you off? Is naughty some when, what the fuck are you going to do to it?".

He sighed and whispered, "I'm sorry". He's the one that had mood swings and hormones. He smirked and leant closer to me, I went to move my head back but it was fully pressed against the bean bag.

He nuzzled his face in my neck and kissed me gently, I tried to free my wrists from his death grip but failed miserably. He started licking my skin until he stopped on one specific spot, no.

"Harry, don't. Get off me" I begged, he laughed but it was mumbled into my neck. He began sucking making my whole body shiver, my knees became weak and I fisted a ball of his shirt.

He began nibbling on my soft spot and I tried to push him away, "Harry!" I shouted. He thrusted his hips into mine and whispered in my ear, "I've made you moan once by doing this, I can do it again".

I squeezed my eyes shut and he began to roughly suck my soft spot, "Harry" I cried. I felt my stomach going crazy, "you're hurting the baby" I lied. I just wanted this disgusting human being off me.

He removed his mouth from my neck and quickly got off me, I sighed of relief and he asked "is it okay?". Panick washed over his face, I bit my lip and nodded. Stupid bastard, panicking over nothing.

We sat in silence for about 5 minutes, "Harry?" I asked. He looked up at me and replied "yeah?", I bit my lip and replied "I guess there's no way I can get rid of this baby then". He shook his head and sighed, "nope" he said popping the p.

"So if there isn't and I have to give birth to it, how are you going to deliver it as you said you would?" I asked awkwardly. His face lit up and he replied "well, I learnt how to at college. I was going to be a doctor but it didn't work out, I also have a friend who is a professional doctor and would be delighted to help".

I sighed and tears suddenly spilled from my eyes, "Harry, please don't make me do this" I cried. He looked at the floor and then back at me, "I don't want to have this baby, please" I begged.

He shook his head and pulled me into him, he rocked me back and forth. "I'm too young to do this" I whimpered into his chest, "I'm going to be here with you" he assured. I don't want him here with me.

"I want to go home" I mumbled, he layed down on his back and pulled me down with him so I was on top. "You are home" he chirped, more tears fell.

He rubbed circles in my back and I became drowsy, my eyes started drooping and soon enough, I was asleep.

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