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*2 Months Later*


"Melanie, wake up!" Harry shouted, I groaned and rolled over. He grabbed the duvet and pulled it off me, "Harry" I whined.

He kept silent which was unusual, I opened my eyes and looked at him. He had a smirk on his face and was staring at my body, I looked down and saw that Harry's shirt that I was wearing had risen up in my sleep.

My face started heating up and I quickly pulled it down so it reaching the middle of my thighs, "I love it when you wear my shirts" he smiled. I rolled my eyes and pulled the duvet out of his hands, I wrapped it around me and flopped onto my stomach.

Harry groaned and tried to pull it off me but I held it tightly, "Mel" he exclaimed. He stopped pulling and sighed, I snuggled into my pillow and tried to resume my sleep.

I groaned loudly as he jumped onto my back, "Harry!" I shouted. His fingers clamped onto my sides and he started tickling me, I screamed loudly and rolled over so I was on my back.

I jumped back when Harry's face was literally a centimetre away from mine, "are you going to get up now?" he asked. I frowned and groaned, "but I'm tired" I moaned.

His eyes travelled to my lips and he smiled, he pushed his head forwards so our lips touched. I nudged him away from me and glared at him, he laughed and smacked by bottom.

"Get up" he said whilst standing up, I yawned and sat up. "You're too slow, c'mon" he said grabbing my waist and throwing me over his shoulder.

I screamed and slapped his back hard, he laughed and ran downstairs. "Harry, I only have a shirt on" I rushed, he scoffed and replied "no one will care".

He put me down when we were in the living room, all of the boys were sat down watching TV. "Morning" Harry sang, they turned and looked and I hid behind Harry.

Zayn's mouth opened and he stared at my legs, "Harry" I muttered. He licked the side of his lip and smirked at me, Harry laughed at me and pulled me in front of him.

"They've all seen a girl before, Mel" he said, chuckling deeply. Liam looked at me and winked, my face went red and I smiled shyly at him.

Harry pushed me towards the boys and sat me in between Zayn and Niall, "wait here" he said. "Liam, come and help me" he said, Liam nodded and followed him out of the room.

An awkward silence filled the room, I stared at my fingers in my lap. "Nice shirt" Louis laughed, I looked at him and smiled. "Harry took my clothes last night" I said, shaking my head.

I saw Zayn staring at me from the corner of my eye, I look at him and frowned. "Stop staring at me, for fuck sake" I mumbled, he smirked and replied "or what?".

I flicked his forehead and he gasped, he flicked my forehead back and I pushed him hard. He grinned and pushed me into Niall, "woah" his Irish accent exclaimed.

"Melanie's fault" Zayn said like a little kid, I glared at him and pushed him harder. "That's it" he muttered, he grabbed my wrists and pulled me off the sofa with him.

He tackled me to the floor, Louis and Niall started laughing. "Don't laugh, get him off me" I exclaimed, Zayn burst out laughing and pinned my wrists to the floor above my head.

He slowly intertwined our fingers and stopped laughing, he stared at our hands and smiled slightly. Not a smirk, a genuine smile.

His eyes flicked back to mine and he took a deep breath, he suddenly blew onto my face. I turned my head to the side and shouted "what are you doing?", he laughed louder and replied "Harry told me you hate it when people blow on your face, therefore, I will blow on your face to piss you off. Guys, blow on her face".

Louis and Niall laughed and knelt over me, they all started blowing on my face, "oh my god" I exclaimed. I started kicking about but Zayn was sat on my waist so that didn't work, "get off" I whined.

Niall was laughing more than needed, he fell backwards and clutched his stomach. "What's with all the laughter?" Harry asked, we all looked at him and I said "why did you tell them that I hate people blowing on my face? Now they won't stop".

He laughed and he clapped his hands together, "right guys, let her up" Harry said. Zayn's eyes flicked to our hands again and he rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb, he untangled our fingers and got off me.

I instantly stood up and brushed my hair out of my face, I looked at Zayn and glared at him. I got on my tiptoes and blew hard on his face, he laughed and pushed me over so I landed on the sofa.

Harry rolled his eyes and said "right anyway, we have a suprise for you Melanie". Everyone looked at me with grins on their faces, I sank back more into the sofa and Harry looked at the door.

"C'mon then Liam" Harry called out, Liam walked and my jaw dropped. I covered my mouth with my games and burst out laughing, as did everyone else.

He was wearing a grass skirt with a coconut bra and a big straw hat, he winked at me and spun around like a model. "How do I look?" he asked in a camp voice, I put my thumbs up and nodded sarcastically.

Harry walked over to me and held out his hands, I took them and he pulled me up. "I bet you're wondering where all of your clothes are and why Liam is dressed like that" he laughed, I nodded and looked at Liam again.

Even in a coconut bra he still looks hot.

Harry pointed to a pile of suitcases and said "your clothes are in there", I narrowed my eyebrows and then he pulled 6 pieces of paper out if his back pocket.

"We're going to Hawaii" he shouted. He attacked me into a hug and my jaw dropped, Hawaii?

"Wait what?" I asked, shocked at the news. I pulled away from Harry and stared up at him in confusion, "all of us are going to Hawaii" he said with excitement in his voice.

I ran my fingers through my hair and grabbed his wrist, I pulled him out of the room and closed the living room door so we were alone. He had a massive grin on his face, "Harry, have you forgotten something?" I asked.

Was he that stupid? Why would I want to go on holiday with my fucking kidnapper?

"No, don't worry. I have all the tampons and-", I slapped his arm and shook my head. "Harry, I'm not going" I said, his grin dropped and he rubbed the back of his neck.

He narrowed his eyebrows and replied "what?", I slapped his other arm and said "I'm not going on holiday with my kidnapper and his mates".

Did he really expect me to say yes and hop on a plane with him?

He cupped my face and said, "a fresh start baby", he smiled and hugged me close to him. "We can start all over again" he smiled, I shook my head and pushed him away from me.

"The only place I want to go now is home" I spat, he sighed deeply and rubbed my arm. I slapped his hand away from me and said "I'm not going", I ran upstairs and into Harry's room.

I locked the door behind me and covered my face with my hands, I burst into tears. How could he think for a minute that I'd want to go in holiday with him? I just want to go home.

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