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I stood at the top of the stairs frozen, Harry was on the floor with blood coming from the side of his head. He wasn't moving.

All of the boys piled out of the kitchen and crowded around Harry, "what did you do?" Louis exclaimed. My breathing hitched in my throat, "I-I didn't mean too, I panicked" I gushed.

Liam knelt down beside him and turned him over so he was laying on his back, "shit" he muttered. A deep gash was covering the left side of his forehead, blood was trickling down his face.

I slowly walked down the steps one by one, the gash was becoming more visible and I suddenly felt lightheaded. "Niall, go and find a first aid kit" Liam instructed, he nodded and quickly ran into the kitchen.

I knelt down on the other side of Harry and stared at him, his eyes were closed and his hair was stuck up in different directions. "W-why isn't he breathing?" I asked in concern, what if he's dead?

Liam pressed his ear to his mouth and chest and replied "you winded him", I stared at the unconscious body in front of me and started panicking.

"He's not responding, he needs artificial respiration, now" Liam said, I ran my fingers through my hair and replied "what is that?". Niall ran in with a green box and handed it to Liam, he instantly opened it and took out lots of different bandages.

"He needs to have oxygen blown into his lungs, normally we'd have mechanical equipment to help but he's not at a hospital so it's going to have to be done manually" Liam explained, I moved a piece of hair out of Harry's face and replied "do it then".

Liam bit his lip and scrunched his nose up, "look, Harry is my best friend. It's gonna be a bit awkward when he wakes up and my lips are pressed to his, you're the only girl here so you do it" he said pointing a finger at me.

"Now is not the time to be fussy Liam and plus, I don't even know what to do" I panicked, Liam pinched Harry's nose and looked at me. "Right, press your lips to his and just blow air into his mouth. Make sure there isn't any gaps between both of your mouths because it won't worth otherwise" he instructed.

I stared at Harry again and leant closer to him hesitantly, "just blow into his mouth" Liam repeated. I squeezed my eyes shut and cupped his face, I took a deep breath and pressed my lips to his, quickly blowing air into his mouth.

"Awh, cute" Louis whispered to Niall, "I know" Niall whispered back, I mentally rolled my eyes and slapped both of them.

His chest jolted up and I pulled away, Liam started pumping on his chest and he said "do it again". I sighed and repeated my actions, again, his chest jolted up. Liam pumped on his chest and said "again", I rolled my eyes and muttered "oh my God".

I pressed my lips to his and blew air into his mouth, this time his chest didn't jolt. I was about to pull away but a pair of hands held the back of my head, I felt Harry's lips kiss mine and I pulled away harder.

I fell back onto my bottom and Harry started coughing vigorously, Liam patted my shoulder and said "good job". Harry went to sit up but Liam pushed him back down, "you have concussion so stay still" Liam said sternly.

Liam started cleaning his gash with different chemicals and Harry looked at me, "thanks babe" he said cheekily. I looked at him and replied "whatever", Liam wrapped a bandage around his head and secured it with a safety pin.

"Okay, you're good to get up now" Liam said to Harry, "thank God he's alive" Louis exclaimed. Harry laughed and sat up, leaning against the wall. I caught Zayn staring at me with his lip pulled between his teeth, he snapped out of it when he saw me looking.

He instantly walked into the kitchen, along with Liam, Louis and Niall. I went to stand up but Harry caught my wrist and pulled me down next to him, "thank you" he whispered. He kissed my forehead and stood up, pulling me with him.

He interwined his fingers with mine and started swinging our arms forward and back whilst walking to the living room "life lesson learnt, if I joke about your bras, you almost kill me" Harry laughed.

I cracked a smile and nodded, "never joke about my bras" I said holding back a laugh. He fell backwards onto the sofa, pulling me beside him. He sighed and rubbed the side of his head, "my head" he groaned.

"Take a painkiller" I mumbled, he shook his head and replied "I'll be fine". He pulled a blanket out from the side of the sofa and placed it over him, he lifted the corner up and smirked at me.

"Come on" he said, I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Melanie" he sang, dragging my name out. I looked at him and he started to pretend to cry, "I'm cold" he exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes again and replied "get another blanket then", he smirked and said "that's it". He quickly grabbed my waist and pulled me under the blanket, he started tickling my sides making me scream and squirm.

"Harry!" I screamed, he laughed and shouted "I can do it harder". We got interrupted by all of the boys looking around the corner.

"Thank God" Niall gasped, Louis and Liam burst out laughing and said "you sound like you're having sex, cut it out".

My face immediately went red and Harry started laughing, "leave" he said to the boys. They all walked out and Harry pulled me into his chest, he placed the blanket over the two of us and sighed of relief.

"Get some sleep" he whispered in my ear, he gently kissed my temple and wrapped his arms around me. To be honest, I was exhausted. I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes, soon enough I was in a deep slumber.


A/N: Hey guys, I just wanted to hear your opinions. Leave a message or inbox me, whatever!;)

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