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Warm air blew on to my face, I groaned and buried my face more into the pillow. I began to fade back into my sleep, I hugged the pillow that I was laying on closer to me.

I heard a quiet chuckle, I narrowed my eyebrows and opened my eyes. I jumped back when I saw Harry's cheek was pressed against my own, my arms were wrapped around his neck.

"Hey there" he laughed, I quickly unwrapped my arms from him. I rolled over so my back was facing him, I closed my eyes again and began to fall back to sleep.

"Melanie, wake up" I heard Harry groan, something soft smashed into my face. My eyes shot open and I saw Harry sitting beside me with a pillow in his hands, he smirked and hit me again.

I grabbed the pillow from his hands and hit him with it repeatedly, "I want to sleep" I said between each hit loudly. He burst into laughter and put his hands up, "okay, I'll stop" he exclaimed, I stopped hitting him and put the pillow underneath my head.

My eyes automatically shut turning my vision black, I sighed deeply when there was peace and quiet. Warm air was started blowing on my face again, I groaned and opened my eyes to see Harry laying beside me, using his elbow to support his weight.

"Harry, go away" I moaned, he shook his head and rolled on top of me. His legs on either side of my waist, I went to push his chest back but he quickly grabbed my hands and intertwined our fingers, he pinned my hands to the bed above my head.

I rolled my eyes and he smirked, he pressed his forehead against mine and gently kissed my nose. "Morning" he whispered, he lightly squeezed my hands and kissed my cheek.

"Morning, now get off me" I sighed, he ran his tongue over his lips, making them moist. He leant closer to me and stopped when his lips were a centimetre away from my own, "I'm sorry" he whispered, his lips gently brushing against mine as he spoke.

I pushed my head back into the pillow more, trying to make the space between us larger. His eyes travelled from my eyes to my lips, "I'm sorry for everything I've done" he whispered.

"Okay, you can get off me now" I rushed, he licked the side of his lip, not taking his eyes off my lips. "Wait..." he mumbled, he gently pressed his lips against mine and I tried to move back more but I couldn't.

I narrowed my eyebrows at the strange feeling, he was being soft and gently. Different to what he was usually, he wasn't being rough.

He tried to deepen the kiss but I managed to get my lips off his, "Melanie" he mumbled. He rested on his elbows and his eyes travelled back up to my own, "I love you" he whispered.

I narrowed my eyebrows again and asked "why are you being so...different?",  he rubbed the back of my hands with his thumbs. He blew a piece of hair out of my face and smiled at me, I raised my eyebrow waiting for his answer.

He sighed deeply and replied, "you were screaming and crying in your sleep last night, you was screaming for someone to save you from me. Melanie, I love you and I don't want you to feel like this anymore".

I stared at him mysteriously and he whispered, "I want you to love me like I love you". Never gonna happen. He gently kissed my nose again and untangled his fingers from mine, he slowly got off me, I immediately sat up after.

He held out his hands and smiled at me, "let's go and get breakfast" he said. I stared at his hands and hesitantly took them, he gently pulled me up off the bed and smiled at me again.

We walked out of the bedroom and down the stairs, "where is Liam?" I asked quietly. He coughed and nodded towards the living room, "in there, he's fine in case you were wondering" he replied.

I nodded and looked up at him, "are you two okay now?" I asked.  He nodded and replied "yeah, we sorted things out last night when you was sleeping. I may have overreacted a little bit", he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Can I go and see him?" I asked shyly, he stared down at me and sighed. "I'll be out here" he muttered, he let go of my hand and I smiled at him.

I opened the living room door and walked inside, I closed it behind me quietly. Liam was sat on the sofa watching TV quietly, "Liam" I croaked.

He turned around and looked at me, my mouth fell open at the sight of him. He had a load of plasters on his face and his head had a large bandage wrapped around it, his wrist was also bandaged up.

He quickly stood up and ran up to me, before I could say anything he attacked me into a hug. I laughed quietly and hugged him back, "I'm sorry, look what he did to you" he rushed as he traced over a few small cuts and bruises on my face that Harry had made.

"I'm sorry too, could you fit another plaster on your face?" I asked chuckling at the end, he laughed and stared at me whilst smiling.

He leant closer to me and I quickly placed my hands on his chest, "Liam, what happened last time you did that?" I whispered. He looked around making sure all of the door's were closed, he cupped my face and pressed his lips against mine.

My stomach erupted into butterflies and my legs went weak, I kissed him back gently. My heart was beating so fast I thought it was going to burst out of my chest, he gently traced his tongue over my bottom lip, asking for entrance.

I granted it and he passionately kissed me, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. He pushed me against the wall and deepened the kiss, he hugged my waist and held me close to him.

I pulled away from the kiss slowly and looked up at him, we were both out of breath. He smiled widely making me smile back, "wow" he laughed. My face turned red and he stroked my cheeks with his thumbs, "you're so cute when you blush" he whispered.

A few small knocks interrupted us, "Melanie, are you finished?" Harry asked. My jaw dropped when I remembered Harry was outside, I quickly slid out of Liam's grip and took a deep breath.

I was about to open the door but Liam hugged me from behind, he kissed my cheek and whispered "I'll see you later". I smiled to myself and nodded, "okay" I whispered back.

He unwrapped his arms from me and sat back on the sofa, he looked at me and winked. I grinned and opened the door, Harry was leaning against the wall. He pushed himself off the wall and smiled, "let's get breakfast then" he said holding my hand.

I didn't want Harry holding my hand, I wanted Liam. Butterflies started flying around my stomach when I thought of the kiss we had just shed, my smile widened when I realised something.

For the first time in my life, I am in love with someone. I am in love with Liam.

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