Matter Of Time

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Harry smirked at me and tugged at the bottom of my shirt, "stop it Harry, please" I begged. He bit his lip and slipped it over my head, he stared at my chest and smirked again.

"You know I had a dream..." he said, I grabbed his hands and nodded. "Yea?" I asked, I was desperately trying to stall him. "You and me and a baby" he laughed, he tilted his head to the side at me.

My face was full of disgust, "Darcy" he coughed. He leant closer to me and pressed his forehead against mine, "we could have that" he whispered. I quickly shook my head, "no we can't" I exclaimed.

He narrowed his eyebrows at me and asked "why?", I stared at him dumbfounded. How could he be so clueless?

"You kidnapped me, you abused me and you hit me, there is no way in hell I am having a family with you. You're mental and I want my first child to be with the person I love, not someone I wouldn't give a shit about if he were dead" I argued.

He slapped my cheek hard and tears brimmed his eyes, "you don't talk to me like that!" he exclaimed. I held my now throbbing cheek, "don't be so fucking stupid then" I shouted.

His face became hard and he looked at me in fury, "I wasn't! If I want a fucking child then I will get one!" he screamed. He pulled his jeans down and I began to panic, "you don't tell me what to do" he added.

"Harry stop it, just stop!" I screamed, he looked at me still furious. "You can't make me have your child, there's a name for what you are trying to do. It's called rape" I exclaimed, his eyes watered again and he pressed his forehead to mine.

"But I want one..." he croaked, I shook my head and replied "then let me go, find a woman you love and have one". Of coarse I was lying, as soon as I get out he's going to prison to rot.

He smiled and kissed my nose gently, "I found her, Melanie please...we can have this, we can have a family. Just forgive me for what I have done and we can start over. I want you and Darcy" he explained.

I shook my head again and replied "I don't want you", his face dropped. He pulled his jeans down and kicked them to the floor, "well I want you and I always get what I want" he said.

"Think this through Harry, you don't want to do this!" I rushed, he fisted my shorts and replied "I have been thinking about this since the day I saw you at that that tight dress" he closed his eyes and breathed in deeply.

He pulled my shorts down making me thrash about, "stop, it will be over soon" he hushed. I screamed loudly and tried pushing him away but failed, "please stop Harry!" I cried.

"Are you a virgin?" he asked shocked, I kept quiet and looked down. The only thing covering me was my bra and underwear, "woah, I'm surprised. The amount of boys that would want you...I'm impressed" he exclaimed.

He quickly laid me down and smirked, I screamed again trying desperately to get him off me. He slipped his boxers off and I started kicking him, he groaned and became more angry.

*Harry's POV*


She started kicking and punching me, she doesn't understand how much I want a child with her. I know I've only known her for a short while but she is special, she is mine. She isn't leaving me so we might as well get to it straight away.

I ignored her struggles and focused on what I wanted, I slipped her underwear off and but my lip. I moved closer to her and positioned myself, "I will never love you!" she shouted.

Anger sparked up inside of me, she will love me! I thrusted into her making her release an ear piercing scream, I moaned loudly as she tightened around me.

She felt so good, tears poured from her eyes. I pulled out and kissed her forehead, "it hurts, I know. Just wait" I whispered. She screamed in pain again as I thrusted back into her, the same moan escaped my mouth again.

I began to speed up, this was extraordinary. I smiled as I imagined holding Darcy in my arms, she cried harder. "Shh" I whispered, minutes passed and she was still crying.

I didn't know it would hurt her this much, it will be worthwhile when our baby is here. Minutes passed and my stomach started going crazy, I threw my head back in pleasure.

"Melanie!" I shouted, I moaned louder and she started pushing me away. "S-stop!" she screamed, I grabbed her hips hard and released inside of her. I moaned again and collapsed on top of her, "oh my God" I gasped.

I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close to me, she cried loudly and tried to push me away again. She is just too weak. "Get off me" she croaked, I kissed her neck and smiled. "Just a matter of time now" I said happily.

I slowly pulled out of her and smirked, "oh, blood..." I said as I saw the red liquid on the sofa. I bit my lip and looked at her, she looked distraught. I kissed her hand and smirked, "just a matter of time until Darcy comes".

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