Crystal White

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I silently got changed into a pair of leggings that Harry had lying around and his Ramones shirt, I felt disgusted that I actually kissed that horrific human being.

Why couldn't anything go my own way for once? Why did he always have to ruin things? I can't even end my life without him saving me.

I sat on the side of the bed and seconds later Harry walked in with a plate of toast, he smiled sheepishly at me and sat beside me. "I'm guessing you're hungry" he said quietly, I looked up at him and he gave me a reassuring smile.

I took a piece of toast of the plate and ate a bit, he stared at my wrists with a disappointed look evident on his face and when he saw me looking, he quickly looked away. I pulled my sleeves over my knuckles and held them there, "that shirt looks hot, I mean nice on you" he said staring at it.

"I want to show you something" he said holding out his hand, I placed the half eaten toast back on the plate and stared at his hand. I got up ignoring his hand gesture, he rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand tightly.

He pulled me outside of the bedroom and stopped outside the next door bedroom, he opened the door and guided me inside. He flicked the light switch on and it lightened up the room, my jaw dropped at the sight.

A crystal white cot was placed in the corner of the room with a matching wardrobe and changing unit against a wall. The walls were covered in Winnie The Pooh with a quote that stood out, 'First, we had each other. Then we had you, now we have everything'.

Tears brimmed in my eyes, I ran out of the room and tears fell freely. Harry hugged me from behind and asked "what's wrong?", I found it hard to catch my breath.

"I can't do this, act like nothing is wrong. Like we're a normal family. Harry I loath you, I will never want a family with you" I whispered.

He sighed and replied "I can change Mel..for you", I shook my head and replied "people like you can't change, not for anyone Harry".

I felt something soft on my shoulder and I turned my head to see him kissing my skin, "I can and I will, I won't be like that anymore. I promise, give me a chance Mel" he begged.

I shook my head and replied "y-you kidnapped me, raped me twice, beat me, used very form of abuse on me, sexually, emotionally, physically and mentally, you cut your name into my flesh and it is forever scarred there", I lifted up my shirt showing him the scar.

He stared at it and grazed his fingers over it, "because you're mine" he said like it was normal. I shook my head and replied "I am not an object", he grabbed my hands and pulled me back into the nursery.

"Come here" he muttered, more tears rolled down my cheeks. He dragged me to the cot and stood me in front of it with him behind me, he chuckled quietly and I narrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Hush little baby don't say a word, momma's gonna buy you a mockingbird" he sang quietly. I struggled in his grip but his actions became rough, "and if that mockingbird don't sing, momma's gonna but you a diamond ring" he continued.

He is a mental, "you fucking psychopath, get off me" I screamed. I elbowed him in the ribs and he groaned in pain, "stop it" he bellowed in anger.

"I'm not having this baby with you" I shouted, he laughed deeply and pushed me into the cot. Slightly bending me over. "Yes you fucking will, I'll make sure of it" he chuckled, more tears cascaded down my face.

I turned around so I was facing him but I was still leaning over the for backwards, "why do you want a child with someone who hates your guts? Someone who will never love you?" I asked.

He licked the side of his lip and smirked, "simply because you will love me, you already do, you just don't know it yet" he laughed. I screwed my face up and replied "never in a million years".

His face inched closer to mine and he smiled like a little kid who had just won something, "that kiss said the opposite" he whispered in my ear. I tried to push him away from me but he just pushed me into the side of the cot more, one more inche and I would fall in it.

"No I didn't...I wasn't thinking straight, I was partially unconscious, I didn't know what was going on!" I exclaimed, he nodded sarcastically and another smirk spread across his face.

"Of course not, you totally didn't make out with me, tongue and everything" he said sarcastically, dragging out 'tongue and everything' slowly.

I tried to push him away from me again but failed, "correction, you stuck your tongue down my throat" I spat. He laughed and kissed my temple, "you didn't object though, in fact you seemed pretty into it" he whispered.

"You're a disgusting creep, get off me!" I shouted, he ran his tongue over his lips and replied "kiss me first". I went to slip out of his grip but his grip tightened causing me to whimper, "fuck off" I hissed.

He bit his lip and moved closer to me, "just one kiss" he whispered. I shook my head and he shook his back, "I don't care, I can do what I want to be honest" he said smugly.

His lips crashed on to mine and I instantly moved my head to the side so our lips would loose contact, instead he kissed my neck roughly making me squirm.

He moaned quietly and started sucking on my soft spot, he didn't know that was my soft spot though. My legs went weak and I grabbed onto his shirt to keep me from falling to my knees, I tried moving my head away but it's like his lips and my soft spot were a magnet.

"S-stop" I stuttered, he removed his lips and looked at me in confusion, seconds later he shared a toothy grin. "Have I found someone's soft spot?" he asked, I was already out of breathe.

"No" I gushed, he laughed and attacked my neck again with his lips. I squeezed my eyes shut as shivers jolted through my body. "H-Harry!" I exclaimed, he sucked harder on the delicate skin making me whimper.

I refused to open my eyes to see his face in front of me, I felt disgusted to think this but the sensation he was bringing to me was amazing. Why couldn't this be someone else doing this? Anyone but him.

I fisted his curls as he sucked harder and rougher, a moan escaped my lips and my eyes shot open. He did the same and looked at me, he looked shocked but satisfied.

I can't believe the Devil had just made me moan.

He laughed and clapped his hands together, "I did it!" he shouted proudly. I felt ashamed of myself, disappointed.

"I made you moan" he laughed loudly, it's like he had just won the lottery. "Calm the fuck down. Yippee, let celebrate. I couldn't control that. It was an automatic response to you attacking my soft spot" I snapped.

He moved my hair out of the way and smiled at my neck, "that's going to hurt later" he said referring to the hickey. I pushed him out of the way and locked in the mirror, I hadn't looked in the mirror in ages simply because I didn't want to see what he had done to me.

I gasped at the sight of me, I had a few little bruises on my face and a large hand print on my left cheek. I moved my hair and saw the overly big hickey on my neck, "oh my God" I mumbled.

Tears stung my eyes, this is what he hadls done to me. I looked down at my body and noticed that I had in fact lost weight, I lifted my shirt up in concern and my heart dropped.

My ribcage was visible.

I quickly pulled the shirt down and walked away from the mirror, I didn't want to see the damage Harry had done to me, physcially and emotionally.

I hate him.

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