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"I don't believe you.." I croaked, "he can't be dead". Harry nodded and got off the bed, he started rummaging through the wardrobe and soon came out with a folded up shirt. He shook it and something metal hit the floor, he picked it up and walked closer to me.

My mouth fell open when I saw that he was holding a gun, I backed away from him and he smirked. "I used this" he chirped, more tears rolled down my face and I shook my head.

"No" I cried, he quickly grabbed my shirt and pulled me off the bed. Before I could register what was happening, he spun me around and smashed my back into his chest. I whimpered when I felt the cold metal pressed against my temple, "Harry.." I cried.

I tried to get free from his grasp but it only caused him to hold me tighter, "it was this gun that shot your lover boy in the head" he whispered in my ear. Tears poured from my eyes like a waterfall, "why are you doing this?" I cried.

He chuckled and rested his chin on my shoulder, "because I love you, I don't think you understand how much it hurts when the person you love, is in love with someone else, your best friend in fact" he laughed.

His laughs faded into seriousness, "he betrayed me" he croaked. I tried to ease my way out of his grip again but he pulled me back more roughly than before, "please let me go" I whispered.

The metal object got pushed further into my temple and his hold on my waist became tighter, "I will never ever let you go" he spat. More tears rolled down my face.

"And I will never ever love you" I said through gritted teeth, my voice cracking at the end. He clenched his jaw shut tightly and sighed out in frustration, "you already do Melanie, so shut up" he exclaimed.

I shook my head vigorously, "I love Liam" I shouted. He spun me around and slammed me into the wall roughly, knocking the air out of my lungs. "He's dead!" he roared loudly, I looked up at him in disgust.

"You should be dead!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, he quickly slapped my cheek hard. I didn't react, it stung but I was used to it. Tears glossed over his eyes and they became a lighter shade of green, "I love you so fucking much Melanie" he whispered, pressing his forehead against mine.

"I want to be the one who has your heart, not Liam. I want you to love me so much that it hurts when I'm gone, like how I love you. I want to marry you, make a family with you. I just want you, please" he croaked, his voice cracking every so often.

I noticed that the gun was still in his hand, but loosely. Without another word, I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. His breathing hitched and he breathed out a slight laugh, he hugged me back but tighter. My face nuzzled into his chest and I stared at the gun which was by my hip, I felt his fingers in my chin which made me flinch slightly.

He tilted my chin up so I was looking up at him, he leant forwards so our noses were touching. I instantly felt sick, knowing what was going to happen in a second. Why couldn't he just let me hug him, grab the gun and shoot him in the head?

"I love you" he whispered for the hundredth time, his lips immediately pressed to mine. He slowly and gently pushed me against the wall again, my eyes widened when I realised that I was kissing him back. "What am I doing?" I mentally screamed at myself, as much as I wanted to stop, I couldn't.

I gently rubbed his arms and focused on getting the gun, I smiled slightly when my hands were near his. I felt the coldness of the gun reflecting onto my skin, without warning, his tongue ran over my top lip.


I quickly grabbed the gun and pushed him away from me, I pointed the metal object at him and he looked confused. His expression soon turned to disappointment, I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and stared at him in disgust.

He laughed quietly, "how fucking stupid am I?" he chuckled to himself. I tightened my grip on the gun and replied "very stupid", he looked at me through his eyelashes and shook his head. "I actually thought that you wanted me" he croaked, I was shocked when a tear rolled down his face.

Harry has feelings? Damn.

"Let me go" I said sternly, he shook his head and furrowed his eyebrows. He began to walk towards me, making me hold the gun up higher. "Let me go Harry!" I exclaimed, he ignored me and tried to grab the gun from me but I quickly moved it away.

"Harry!" I shouted,

"I can't Melanie, I love you too much to let you go!".

"Let me go" I said through clenched teeth,


"Now!" I screamed.

I walked over to the door and tried to open it but it was locked, "unlock it" I demanded. He stared at me in desperation but I didn't change my expression, he sighed deeply and buried his hand in his pocket, a second later pulling out a key.

He put it in the keyhole and twisted it, a loud clicking noise make me jump. "Now, back away" I said, pointing the gun at him again. He took steps back as I opened the door, I quickly walked out backwards.

When I saw that he was standing still in the room, I ran downstairs as fast as I could. I made my way to the front door and began to unbolt the locks, yes, locks. There was about 7 bolts and 3 chains.

I screamed in pain when my body was pushed against the door, a bolt digging into my rib. I felt hair tickling my cheek and the smell of cologne told me it was Harry, he grabbed the gun but I held onto it tightly.

"Let go baby" he said calmly, I shook my head and tried to pull it out of his hands but he was too strong. I held on to the metal as hard as I could, that's when I realised that my finger was still on the trigger.

I pointed it at him whilst he was still trying to pull it from me, I was about to pull the trigger but he slammed me into the door making me gasp. He turned the gun so it wasn't facing him any more, I screamed in pain when he pushed me further into the bolt.

"Let go" he whispered into my ear, tears glossed over my eyes and I shook my head. I pulled harder, as did he. But neither of us were getting what we wanted, the gun to ourselves. I pointed the gun to him again but he twisted my wrists around, making me winch in pain.

"Harry please" I begged, he shook his head and I screamed in defeat. We pulled as hard as we could, trying to claim the gun. "Melanie!" he shouted and that's when the gunshot went off.

A/N: Hey guys, late update and I'm so sorry about that, I had work and eurgh! Anyway, comment what you think will happen in the next chapter! :D

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