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"You are unbelievable" I laughed, I tried to push him off me but he grabbed my wrists and pinned them to the floor above my head. "How so?" he asked studying my face, I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"What do you so?" I asked in complete and utter shock, was he serious? He licked the side of his lip and tilted his head to the left slightly, "how am I unbelievable?" he asked with not one bit of sarcasm in his voice.

"You fucking kidnapped me!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, his face hardened and my head flew to the side. A burning sensation formed on my cheek, "I didn't kidnap you!" he roared.

I turned my head to look at him again, "what the fuck do you call it then?" I shouted back. He stared at me deeply and bit his lip gently, "claiming" he croaked.

I burst out laughing and started thrashing about vigorously, "get off me!" I screamed loudly. He groaned and pinned me to the floor harder, I screamed in defeat and sighed deeply.

He pressed his forehead against mine and smirked, "I was only claiming what is mine" he said clearly. I shook my head slightly, "you are a creep" I croaked. "You deserve to rot in hell" I hissed, he slapped me face again but this time harder.

I took deep breaths to relieve the pain, "watch your mouth" he exclaimed. I narrowed my eyebrows and replied "watch your dick", he looked confused.

"Wha-" I quickly interrupted him by kneeling him in the crotch, he rolled off me and groaned loudly. "You bitch!" he shouted loudly, I got up and ran back upstairs.

"Melanie!" he roared, I quickly ran inside his room and grabbed the pocket knife that was lying on the floor. I closed it and slipped it in my bra, he stumbled into the room and he looked furious.

He placed his hand on his crotch and breathed out deeply, "fucking hell" he hissed. He regained his posture and stared at me, "I'm sorry" I lied.

He walked towards me and in sync I moved back, my back hit the wall and I sighed. His hands grabbed my wrists and pinned them to the wall above my always.

"You have been such a bad girl" he smirked, he leant closer to me so the tips of our noses were touching. "I'm sorry" I repeated, he nodded and replied "you will be".

He smirked again and placed his lips to mine, I quickly turned my head away from him but he began to kiss my neck. "Harry please stop" I begged, I tried to push him away but he squeezed my wrists harder.

He stopped after a few seconds and looked at me, "you don't tell me what to do babe" he said sternly. I rolled my eyes and he grabbed my chin forcing me to look up at me, "stop rolling your eyes" he hissed.

"You don't tell me what to do...babe" I mocked him, he raised his eyebrow and pushed me harder against the wall. "Don't get fucking smart with me" he roared, he looked on the floor and his eyes widened.

He let go of me and I sighed of relief, he looked around the whole room, trying to find something. "Where the fuck is It?" he shouted, I ignored him thinking he was just talking to himself.

"Melanie!" he shouted causing me to jump out of my skin, "what?" I screamed back. He ran his hand through his hair and replied "where's the knife?",  I bit my lip and shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know" I mumbled, his face hardened and he grabbed my wrists, pulling me into him. "Tell me" he said through gritted teeth, I shrugged my shoulders again and replied "I don't know".

He let go of me and turned around continuing the search for the pocket knife, I slowly took it out of my bra and opened it. I ran up to him and went to plunge it into his back but he turned around and grabbed my wrist just before I could.

The knife dropped out of my hand and he twisted my wrist around, I screamed in pain and he punched me in the stomach. My legs buckled beneath me but he had a firm grip on my wrist which kept me up.

"You lied to me" he spat, he kicked my shin hard causing me to yelp in pain. He let go of my wrist sending me to floor, he grabbed the knife and knelt down beside me.

Before I could do anything he quickly straddled me, he threw another punch at my stomach and I groaned in pain. "Stop" I cried. He clenched his first harder and his knuckles turned white, his fist collided with my jaw causing me to scream in pain.

"You never lie to me again!" he shouted, I started choking on my own blood. He lifted his fist up again and went to punch me but stopped midway, tears were pouring out of my eyes and blood was spewing out of my mouth and nose.

His face softened and he put his fist down, "I'm sorry" he croaked. I ignored him and started choking on my blood again, he moved my hair out of my face and sighed.

"Don't lie to me ever again" he said, my vision was blurry from my tears. "Ever" he added, I nodded and replied "I hate you". His face dropped and his fist clenched, "you told me to tell you the truth" I spat.

He rolled his eyes slightly and relaxed, "stop the sarcasm" he sighed. I stopped choking and took deep breaths, "it wasn't sarcasm..I really do hate you" I hissed.

His eyes became glossy and he quickly got off me, "don't try to escape..there's no way out" he said sternly. I wiped my mouth only to have my hand covered in blood, he wiped his eyes and walked out, locking the door after.

Was he crying? Stupid prick he is. He's sad that I hate him, well maybe if he didn't kidnap me, cut me and beat me up, things would have been different. He deserved to rot in hell.

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