Without You

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*4 Months Later*


"When I met you in the summer!" Harry sang, he danced around the kitchen with a wooden spoon in his hand, replicating a microphone. "To my heartbeat sound" he shouted, I tried to hide my smirk but I failed.

He ran up to me and pulled me to my feet, "we fell in love, as the leaves turned brown" he sang as he spun me around. I screamed as I tripped over his foot, my body fell into his arms and he stared at me. "Fucking cliché" I groaned, he smirked and replied "it would only be cliché if I kissed you".

I stared up at him and rolled my eyes, he laughed and leant closer to me. In sync, I moved back. I screamed again when I fell out of his arms onto the floor, he burst out laughing and clutched his stomach whilst leaning over.

"Oh my God" I groaned, I quickly got up and brushed off my bottom. I crossed my arms over my chest and stared at Harry waiting for him to shut up. Once he stopped laughing he dried his eyes and smirked at me, "you still have some dirt there" he laughed.

He pulled me closer to him so our chests were touching, his hands grabbed onto my bottom making me gasp. He gently pinched me and whispered "all gone", I screwed my face up at him in disgust. "Go away" I scolded and pushed his chest sway from me, he laughed again and continued to make breakfast.

I sat back down at the dining table and all of the boys piled into the kitchen for breakfast, I stared at them hoping that Liam would magically appear. I sighed quietly and looked down and my twiddling thumbs, "hey, what's up munchkin?" Niall asked, sitting down beside me.

I faked a smile at him and replied "nothing", he smiled and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. Niall had in a way, replaced Liam with the comforting but I knew for a fact that no one could replace the Liam I am still in love with.

A knot formed at the back of my throat when I thought of him, you know the feeling where you need to cry hut you don't want to and your throat hurts? That was now. "I know you miss him" Niall whispered into my ear barely above a whisper, I closed my eyes and nodded.

"I do" I whispered back, he cuddled me close to him and stroked my hair gently. "It will be fine" he reassured, I faked another smile and let out a shaky breath. "I know" I replied, sitting up straight.

Harry walked up to the table with a plate full of pancakes, like animals, the boys attacked the food like they haven't eaten in a week. I sat silently and Harry crouched down beside me, "what wrong baby?" he asked.

I laughed nervously and shook my head, "nothing, I'm just tired" I lied. He cupped my face gently and kissed the tip of my nose, "you sure?" he asked. I smiled and nodded, "positive".

He winked at me and sat down at the table, I caught Zayn staring at me. His knuckle of his index finger between his teeth, he was biting down on it hard. I shuffled in my seat awkwardly and he snapped out of a trance he didn't realise he was in, "you hungry?" Louis asked, offering me a pancake.

I shook my head, "no thank you" I smiled. Harry frowned at me and slid a pancake onto my plate, "Harry, I'm not hungry" I smiled, not wanting to get angry. "I don't care, eat" he demanded, I furrowed my eyebrows at him and sighed.

"I'm not hungry" I repeated, he stared at me intensely and posted at the food on my plate. "Menace, just eat it" he groaned, I shook my head. "Like I said, I'm not hungry, thank you" I replied, getting frustrated that he wouldn't accept that I wasn't hungry.

He stood up and dragged his chair from across the table to beside me, he plopped down and stared at me. I stared back, not wanting him to think he could control how I ate.

"Eat" he said bluntly, I rolled my eyes and replied "why can't you just understand that I'm not hungry?". He took the fork that was sitting beside my plate and picked up a piece of the food with it, he moved it closer to my face and I instantly stood up.

"I told you I'm not hungry!" I shouted loudly, I stroked out of the room and sat on the bottom step. I held my head in my hands and sighed deeply, I saw a pair of feet in front of me and telling by the socks that had the week days on, I knew it was Harry.

"What's up with you?" he asked, he sat down in front of me, cross legged. "I just don't see why you can't accept that I'm not hungry" I exclaimed, he grabbed my hands and held them firmly. "I don't want you to get hungry, I'm looking out for you" he said, I scoffed and muttered "when have you ever cared about me?".

He furrowed his eyebrows, making his small forehead wrinkles appear. "Don't be stupid, I've always cared about you" he laughed, I laughed back at him and replied "what about my happiness?".

A large smile spread across his face, "your happiness is my happiness, I'd never jeopardise that". I stared at him like he was dumb, which he obviously was. "Then why did you separate me from Liam?" I croaked, his eyes widened. "What?" he breathed out.

"Why did you separate me from Liam?" I asked dragging the question out slowly and clearly, he tightened his grip on my hands and I winced in pain. "Because we didn't need him in our lives" he said bluntly, "I need him in my life.." I admitted.

I couldn't believe that I was having this conversation with Harry, it was like my mind just wanted to let everything out. "He makes me happy" I smiled, my smile was soon replaced by a frown. Tears slowly fell from my eyes, "and you took him away from me" I croaked.

Harry's mouth was slightly ajar, he looked confused. "Melanie, like you said, you're tired. You don't know what you're talking about, how about you go to sleep?" he rushed, he quickly stood up and pulled me to my feet.

I shook my head and said "I know exactly what I'm talking about, I love Liam", he ignored me and dragged me upstairs. I let him, my whole body was weak. It felt like I had a hole in my heart, I hadn't seen Liam in 4 months.

I felt my back collide with something soft, I snapped out of my daydream and realised I was on Harry's bed. He laid beside me and made me look at him, "you love me" he said, almost demanding.

Another tear rolled down my face, "I love Liam" I whispered. He closed his eyes and let out a deep breath, "you love me" he repeated but this time louder.

"I love Liam",

"Melanie, stop it, you love me".

"I hate you, I love Liam",


I quickly interrupted him by shouting "I love Liam, end of. I always will, you are nothing to me Harry!", he shook his head and quickly straddled me. His large hand collided with my cheek, I didn't move. The hits were so familiar now, they didn't hurt anymore.

"Liam is dead!" he shouted at the top of his lungs, my whole body froze. I stared up at him and I felt my bottom lip tremble, "no he's not.." I shook my head.

Harry nodded his head and moved my hair out of my face, "he's dead, the night he went I killed him. I didn't want him getting involved in our lives anymore, he's gone" Harry said clearly.

My head started spinning and I cried loudly, "you killed him?" I croaked. Harry nodded and pressed his index and middle fingers to my temple, "I shot him in the head" he said proudly. My whole body went numb, "no".

"Liam!" I screamed, Harry pinned my wrists down when I began to struggle. "Liam, please help me!" I screamed as loud as I could, tears fell from my eyes like a waterfall. Harry pressed him forehead against mine and I cried louder, "he's dead".

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