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Tears ran down my face when Harry threw me onto the bed, "Harry, please. Don't do this, you said you would never hurt me again!" I cried. He scoffed and grabbed my chin between his thumb and index finger, "and you said you would never leave me again" he spat.

He stared at me intensely and looked down at the duvet, "if Liam didn't call you back, would you have ever stopped running?" he asked, head still down. I kept quiet and mentally shook my head, "Melanie, answer me!" Harry shouted making me flinch back.

I let out a shaky breath and replied "no", he looked back up and he looked furious but upset. "why?" he croaked, he studied my face for any emotion. It was my turn to look down, but as soon as I did he placed his index finger under my chin and tilted my head up to face him.

"Why?" he repeated, I blew my cheeks out and shrugged my shoulders. "Do you love him?" he asked, his gaze locked onto mine. I laughed nervously and shook my head, "no, of coarse I don't" I lied.

Even saying Liam's name made butterflies explode in my stomach, even though I am still angry and disappointed that he betrayed me, I'm still hopelessly in love with him. Harry bit his lip and squeezed his eyes shut, "I know when you lie.." he croaked.

He reopened his eyes and I saw that they were glossy, his green eyes becoming lighter than before. "Why do you love him and not me?" he asked gently, he ran his fingers through his hair in stress and waited for me answer.

I didn't answer.

"Melanie, answer me!" he said loudly, but not shouting. Another tear escaped from my eye and I shrugged my shoulders again, "b-because he treats me like I am somebody, he is always so gentle and caring with me. Do you wanna know the reason why I love him? The reason why I love him is because he's the complete opposite of you" I said, my voice becoming louder towards the end.

Harry's mouth fell slightly ajar, he stared at me in disbelief and shock. A couple of tears slid down his cheeks but he ignored them, he opened his mouth to say something but quickly shut it again. I instantly felt guilty for what I had said, maybe it was a bit too harsh.

"No, it wasn't harsh. He deserves to die after everything he has put you through!",  my conscience screamed at me.

The room was absolutely silent, I looked down at the duvet again. Without a word Harry got up slowly and walked towards the door, he stopped and turned back to me with desperation in his eyes. I ignored his stare and he sighed, he walked out slamming the door behind him.

I let out a deep breath that I didn't realise I was holding, I let the built up tears slide down my face freely. What have I done? This is going to make the whole situation, one hundred times worse.

*Liam's POV*


Niall looked at me and gave me a comforting smile, "she'll be fine" he whispered. I smiled back at him and sighed deeply, the whole house was silent. I covered my face with my hands and groaned, "this is my fault, I shouldn't have called her back, she would have been free".

Louis shook his head and cracked a smile, "no it's not, this is Harry we're talking about. He loves Melanie more than anything in the world, he would've caught her in the end" he explained.

I felt someone staring at me, I looked to my tight and saw Zayn glaring at me. "Dude, what's up?" I asked, he rolled his eyes and shook his head. He looked somewhat jealous? He turned away and faced the boarded up window, the room fell silent again.

A loud slam of a door made us all jump in shock, seconds later loud footsteps ran downstairs. We all looked at the door and Harry burst through it, his eyes red and his fists clenched. He charged towards me with a furious expression on his face, I instantly stood up and held my hands up in front of me.

"Mate, what are you doing?" I asked, Harry suddenly grabbed my collar and pinned me against the wall forcefully. "What did you do?" he screamed in my face, Louis and Niall stood up and tried to calm Harry down but it made him angrier.

"I don't know?" I asked, he pulled away from the wall but instantly thrown me back against it. I groaned in pain and he fisted my shirt tighter, "you stole her away from me!" he cried. Louis pulled him off me and pushed him down onto the sofa, "he stole her" he croaked, pointing a finger at me weakly.

"What are you on about?" Niall asked, a tear escaped from Harry's eye and he replied "Melanie loves Liam". Zayn's head snapped towards Harry and he looked disgusted, he suddenly looked at me and stared at me as if I had killed someone.

"I'm sure she doesn't" I lied, I know she loves me, exactly how I love her. Hopelessly. Harry nodded and sunk back into the sofa, "she told me" he cried. More tears rolled down his face, like before the room was silent.

"Get out" Harry muttered, I narrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Oh come on, you're kicking me out for something that isn't real?" I exclaimed, Harry stood up and grabbed my wrist. "Get the fuck out of my house now!" he shouted loudly, he dragged my over to the front door and opened it.

"Get out" he said through gritted teeth, "Harry come on, you're my best mate" I shouted. He shook his head and furrowed his eyebrows, "I was your best friend until you stole my girl away from me!" he boomed.

He pushed me outside and instantly slammed the door in my face, I stared at the hard wood for a while until I decided to walk away. Melanie had told Harry that she loves me, a smile etched it's way onto my face as I thought about it more. I got in my car and started it, I looked at the house through my side mirror and whispered "I'll get you soon baby". With that, I quickly drove off.

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