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*Harry's POV*


Melanie let out an ear piercing scream and fell into my arms, my heart stopped for a second. "Melanie?" I croaked, all of the boys ran out in shock and stared at Melanie. "Baby" I said louder, shaking her.

Tears ran down her face and she fisted my shirt weakly, she opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. She squeezed her eyes shut in pain and whimpered, "Harry" she croaked.

Niall saw the blood and Melanie in my arms, he covered his mouth with both of his hands and ran out of the room, repeating over and over, "oh my god".

Everything was moving in slow motion, her hair fell across her face, hiding her beauty from me. I felt warm liquid fill up in my hands, I looked and saw blood but it wasn't mine. "Melanie!" I screamed, my knees went weak and I collapsed to the floor.

Her eyes were still open and her mouth was slightly ajar, "Zayn, help me!" I cried. He just stared down at Melanie with a shocked expression, he was frozen. "Louis!" I begged, I held her close to my body not wanting her to go.

Louis knelt down beside me and laid her down in front of us, my shirt that she was wearing was covered in the red liquid I hoped not to see. Tears streamed down mine and her face uncontrollably, I placed my hands on her stomach which was still pouring with blood.

"She needs professional help Harry, she needs to go to hospital" Louis said, examining her wound. I shook my head and picked her up again, holding her in my lap tightly. "No, they'll take her away from me" I cried loudly, Louis moved her hair out of her face and shook his head. She let out another scream in pain, I choked back a cry and stroked her back. "It's okay, it's okay" I repeated.

"Harry, she's going to die if she doesn't get treated in the next hour or two" he gushed, I choked on my own tears and shook my head vigorously. Her whole body was limp and blood was covering the laminate flooring, "Melanie, please don't leave me" I whispered in her ear.

"I need you!" I screamed loudly, I shook her again only to have her head fall on to my shoulder, she let out a shaky breath and whispered, "it hurts Harry". More tears ran down my face, "you're gonna be fine" I whispered back.  Zayn held on to the wall for support, he looked as weak as Melanie. He was staring down at her, his eyes watery.

"Zayn" I called, "what's wrong?" I questioned. He tried to catch his breath but couldn't do it, his breathing was heavy and irregular. I squeezed her tighter and kissed her temple, "you're not giving up on me are you?" I exclaimed. She whimpered and fisted my shirt again in pain, "make it stop" she cried into my shoulder.

"Don't die, don't give up" I whispered into her ear, "Melanie" I begged.

"I don't know what to do" I cried, she was loosing blood by the second. "What the fuck do I do?" I screamed at everyone, Louis covered his face with both of his hands and shook his head. "I don't know" he sighed, he ran his fingers through his hair in frustration.

"She's dying, please. We need to do something, I can't let her die!" I cried, tears rolled down my face freely. Niall walked it, biting his nail nervously. "Call Liam" he suggested, I instantly shook my head. "No, I don't want that scum in my house or by my girl again" I exclaimed.

"Liam?" she croaked, I looked down at her and she was looking up at me, her eyes red and puffy. "I need Liam" she breathed out, she clutched her hip and screamed loudly in pain. I shook my head and replied "no you don't".

Louis rolled his eyes and said "Harry, stop being a fucking immature prick. Liam can help her, he's a fucking doctor. If you don't want him to help her, she is going to die", raising his voice.

I shook my head and picked her up bridal style, I walked into the living room and laid her down on to the sofa. "I'll do it myself" I groaned, I ripped her shirt off her body and everyone ran in. A small hole was oozing with blood right above her hip, the blood instantly soaked the sofa.

"No, I want Liam to help me!" she cried, I shook my head and cupped her face. "I'm going to help you" I smiled at her, she cried harder in pain.

"Harry, you don't have the equipment!" Louis shouted, I scoffed and replied "how hard can it be?". I ran into the kitchen and searched through the draws, I pulled out a pair of large tweezers, some alcohol and the first aid kit. I heard her screams coming from the living room and Louis was trying to calm her.

I walked back into the living room and knelt down beside her, Louis grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back. "Harry, what if you mess up?" he sighed, I shook my head and replied "I'll fix it".

"Everything will be okay" I reassured, her eyes began to droop. "I need Liam.." she croaked, my heart ached when she spoke those words.

I opened the bottle of alcohol and took a deep breath, "this is going to hurt" I said quietly. I held her hand and poured the liquid over her wound, she instantly let out a painful scream.

"Harry" she cried, tears poured from her eyes and she squeezed my hand hard. I quickly wiped the blood away from her but it came back, I spilt some more alcohol onto her wound only to have her sit up, screaming in the process.

"Melanie, lay down, it will be over soon" I smiled at her, She gripped my shirt tightly and her head fell onto my shoulder, "please make it stop, it hurts" she cried.

I laid her down again and kissed her lips gently, "I'll try" I promised. I pulled out the tweezers and smiled at her gently, "I'll try".

A/N: Hey guys, so this chapter was really crap. I've been feeling so sick recently, ergh.

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