Giving In

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"Harry, get off me" I exclaimed, he continued to walk downstairs making me scream louder. "Harry" I begged, he walked into the living room and threw me onto the sofa.

I landed on something soft and shortly after, a small groan came from beneath me. I looked behind my shoulder and saw Zayn, he smirked and tilted his head to the side. "Hold her there" Harry said between breaths, Zayn wrapped his arms around my body and trapped my legs between his.

"Don't touch me" I screamed, Harry ran his fingers through his messy hair. Liam walked in still dressed in his coconut bra and grass skirt, a smirk tugged at my lips as he winked at me.

I snapped out of the daydream I didn't realise I was in when Zayn rested his chin on my shoulder. I instantly started struggling again which made Harry lightly chuckle, "now, just calm down" he said whilst crouching down in front of me.

He cupped my face and smirked, "we're going to Hawaii to start a family" he said slowly and clearly. I shook my head and squirmed underneath Zayn's hold again, "no we're not" I screamed.

Zayn looked at Harry and muttered "should I pin her down?", Harry chuckled and nodded. I was about to punch him but he quickly flipped me over and straddled me, he pinned my wrists to the sofa above my head.

I groaned in defeat and glared at Zayn which only caused him to smirk back at me, he slowly intertwined our fingers and his smile dropped. His eyes flicked to our hands and he looked serious, what is up with him doing that? He done it not even an hour ago.

He rubbed the palms of my hands with his thumbs and a small smile formed on his lips, "get off me" I groaned. He snapped out of a trance he obviously didn't realise he was in, "nope" he replied cheekily.

"Yes" I exclaimed, he laughed and leant closer to me. "Nope" he replied, popping the p. I rolled my eyes and tried to get free from him, I failed again.

"Yes" I argued.



He leant in even more so our noses were touching, "no" he chuckled. His eyes were fixed on mine but after a couple of seconds, they flicked to my lips. He stared at them which made me uncomfortable, my heart almost stopped when he leant in closer.

"Zayn" Harry exclaimed, Zayn jumped back and narrowed his eyebrows in confusion. He looked at Harry and shook his head, "sorry mate, I didn't know what I was doing" he said.

Harry laughed and rolled his eyes, "whatever" he chuckled. Zayn looked at our hands again, he tightened his grip on my hands but it didn't hurt. Why was he acting so...different?

"Harry, get him off me now!" I exclaimed, Harry laughed again and shook his head. "No, you'll just keep trying to get away and won't listen" he explained with a smirk on his face.

I groaned loudly and glared at Zayn, "prick" I muttered. He laughed and replied "bitch", I gasped and tried to get free again but failed miserably. "Harry, I'm getting claustrophobic!" I begged, my breathing became irregular.

Harry rolled his eyes and chuckled to himself, "Zayn, off" he laughed. Zayn groaned and smirked at me, "just when I was getting comfy" he replied sarcastically. He stared at our hands and slowly untangled his fingers from mine, after what felt like forever, he finally got off me and sat beside me.

I sat up and moved my hair out of my face, another groan escaped my lips and I slapped Zayn's arm. He slapped me back and my mouth fell open, "Harry!" I exclaimed. "He hit me!" I gasped, he laughed harder and said "now, can I finish what I was saying?".

"Sure" I mumbled, I quickly slapped Zayn again but not even a second later, he slapped me. "That's it" I muttered, I got on my knees and whacked him with the sofa cushion. Harry groaned and shouted "guys, stop!", we ignored him and continued having a pillow fight.

Zayn grabbed my waist and pushed me backwards, I screamed when I fell off the sofa. My back hit the floor and I grunted, long fingers started tickling my sides. I screamed and rolled onto my stomach, "okay, enough!" I shouted.

Zayn stopped tickling me and I sighed of relief, I sat back up and saw Harry with his eyebrows raised. "Can I continue?" he asked, frustration evident in his voice. I nodded sheepishly and he smiled at me, "okay, anyway. All of us are going to Hawaii for 2 weeks, I think we all need a vacation" he explained.

The smile I didn't realise I was wearing immediately fell, "I don't want to go" I exclaimed like a kid. Harry ran his fingers through his hair in frustration, "Mel.." he groaned.

"No Harry, I don't want to go and I'm not" I said trying not to shout at him, he rolled his eyes and looked at Zayn. "We're leaving tonight" he smiled, my eyes widened and I stood up. "You're leaving tonight, I'm not" I said through clenched teeth, Harry stood up, towering over me.

He smirked and cupped my face, "we all are leaving tonight" he laughed. Tears started building up in my eyes, "please don't make me go" I croaked. He leant closer to me so our foreheads touched, "it's a new start for us, we'll work everything out there and then continue back here in 2 weeks" he smiled.

I shook my head and whispered "I want to go home", his lips gently brushed against mine when he said "you are home". I sighed deeply and replied "I'm not", we always had this argument. I don't know how he can think that this is my home, mental asshole.

Liam walked in now dressed in normal clothes, he had a coffee in his hand and he stared at me and Harry. His smile dropped when he saw how close we were, "I, uh..I made you a coffee" he said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

I smiled at him gratefully and looked back up at Harry, "so, there is no way I can get out of this?" I asked. He shook his head and replied "absolutely not", I sighed and looked back at Liam. "I get to sit next to Liam on the plane" I demanded, his face lit up and my face went red.

Harry pouted and whined, "you're lucky I'm agreeing to this shit" I exclaimed. He laughed and replied "you're not agreeing, I would have made you come anyway. You're just giving in".

I rolled my eyes and pushed him away from me, I walked over to Liam and he handed me the coffee. "Thank you" I smiled, he grinned at me and Harry high fived Zayn. "Okay, let's get ready. Tell Max that we'll need the plane in around 3 hours" Harry ordered Zayn.

Zayn nodded and walked out whilst pressing his phone to his ear, "wait, who's Max?" I questioned. He blew his cheekily out and replied "oh yeah, because we can't go through a normal airport because of reasons, Max, an old friend of mine is letting us use his dad's plane".

I laughed in disbelief, "he has a plane? People are too fucking rich" I mumbled. Harry nodded and kissed my forehead, "I'm gonna have a quick shower, see you in a bit" he said. He walked out of the room and Liam immediately pushed me into the wall, I gasped when I almost spilt the hot coffee in my hand.

"I missed you" he whispered, my face started heating up and I smiled up at him. "I missed you too" I whispered back, His lips pressed against mine and my stomach erupted into butterflies. He took the mug out of my hand and put it on the coffee table, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me.

His arms wrapped around my waist tightly, "I love you" he mumbled into the kiss. He pulled away and he looked shocked, after a few seconds he smiled. "I love you" he repeated in disbelief, I grinned and kissed his lips gently.

"I love you too".

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