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"Right, I need to go somewhere, are you okay looking after Mel?" Harry asked the weirdos making my head snap towards him, "what?" I snapped. Liam nodded and replied "yea, it's fine", Harry smiled and walked to the front door.

I quickly jumped up and ran after him, "Harry" I exclaimed. He looked at me and smirked, "miss me already?" he asked cockily. I glared at him and replied "why are you leaving me with them?".

He looked at his watch and said "I have business to do", I shook my head and asked "how long are you going to be?". He bit his lip and thought for a bit, "2 hours, 3 at the most" he said bluntly.

I looked at him and he winked at me, "I'll see you in a bit" he said. He opened the front door and my heartbeat started increasing, I tried to push past him to get free but he pushed me back and shouted "Zayn!".

Zayn came running out and grabbed my waist, "no, get off me!" I screamed. Harry quickly walked out and slammed the door, my chance of escape gone.

I sighed and Zayn pulled me so his chest was pressed against my back, I squirmed in his hold and he instantly pushed me against the wall. "Listen Princess, I am way stronger than you okay? I can break you like a stick so calm the fuck down" he said sternly.

I stared up at him and he looked satisfied, "you prick" I spat. I quickly lifted my knee and he groaned in pain, he backed away from me to comfort his crotch.

My feet took me to the living room and all the creeps looked at me, "fucking bitch!" I heard Zayn shout. He quickly pushed me to the floor and straddled me, "you want to do that again?" he boomed.

My stomach felt like someone had just stabbed me, I screamed in pain and held my stomach. "Harry!" I shouted, I was shocked that I called for Harry. Probably because he was the only person I had been calling for the last 6 months in this hell hole.

Everyone stood up and ran to us, "Zayn get off her now!" Liam shouted loudly. Louis yanked Zayn off me and pushed him out of the room, the pain got worse by the second. "Melanie, may I please lift up your jumper?" Liam asked, I nodded and he did it immediately.

He started gently prodding my stomach and he smiled at me, "it's fine, just a contraction. They usually start from 10 weeks of your pregnancy, nothing to worry about" he explained.

I nodded and he stared at my hip, "I'm guessing Harry done that to you?" he said pointing to Harry's name scarred on my body, I nodded again stared at him, he looked like the only nice one here. Niall helped Louis to control Zayn and the room fell silent, "Liam?" I asked.

He nodded and replied "yes?", I sat up after pulling my jumper down. "Do you know?" I asked referring to Harry and what he had done, I pointed to my stomach. He sighed deeply and nodded, "I do" he mumbled.

Tears sprung my eyes, he knew and he hasn't told the police. "Please help me" I begged, he looked at me with sorrow in his eyes. "Please, a child shouldn't be brought into an environment like this" I cried.

He rubbed his face with his hands and replied "I can't", I cried harder and held his hand. "Please, I can't cope here anymore. It's constant torture, I'm begging you" I pleaded.

"Harry loves you, if I helped you escape he'd literally kill me" he sighed, I shook my head and replied "he doesn't know what love is". Liam laughed and nodded, "he does, he's just bad at showing it".

"So is that a no for helping me?" I croaked, he nodded and replied "it's a no". Tears fell from my eyes and Liam held his arms out, I leant into him and he wrapped his arms around me.

Why couldn't someone just help me? Do they not see the pain I'm going through? I have a bruise covered body and I'm pregnant because I was raped.

I rested my head on Liam's chest and cried harder, "shh" Liam whispered. My eyes began heavy and my body relaxed, soon enough I fell into a deep slumber.

*Harry's POV*

*2 Hours Later*


I walked in the door and sighed, I was knackered. I smiled to myself remembering that I could see Melanie, after throwing my jacket on the coat rack I ran into the living room.

Liam was lying on the sofa with Melanie in his arms, they were both asleep. My face dropped and I walked over to them, I stared down at Melanie. She looked peaceful, Liam was spooning her. Spooning my Melanie.


I poked his cheek and he jolted up from his sleep, "oh hey Harry" he mumbled into Melanie's hair. "Get off her" I croaked, he sighed and got off the sofa making her wake up.

"She was upset, she just needed comfort" he explained, Melanie turned over so she was facing us. "Harry?" she asked, her eyes were squinted and she looked tired.

I crouched down beside her and stroked her hair, "yea, it's me baby" I said quietly. She smiled at me and wrapped her arms around my neck, "I missed you Harry" she slurred. My heart and stomach fluttered, she smiled again and kissed my cheek gently.

I turned and looked at Liam behind me, he was biting his lip nervously. "What did you do?" I mouthed, he faked a laugh and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "I had to give her some Diazepam, don't blame me, she wouldn't stop crying and panicking about everything" he mumbled.

"What the fuck is that?" I hissed, he coughed awkwardly and replied "a drug to calm panic or anxiety attacks, some side effects are excitement, pleasing, drowsiness, immaturity and urm...sexual attraction to others".

A smirk etched it's way onto my face, "can you leave us for a moment?" I asked. Liam nodded and walked out after winking at me, I turned back around to Melanie.

"You missed me did you?" I asked, she smiled and nodded. "A lot" she mumbled, I slowly leant closer to her and before I knew it, our lips touched. My stomach exploded into butterflies, after a couple of seconds she kissed me back passionately.

I grabbed her waist and twisted us around so she was on top of me, she buried her hands in my curls and tugged them a little making me moan.

She straddled me more and pulled her lips away from mine slowly, we were both out of breathe. "I love you Melanie" I said, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

Her smile dropped and she held her stomach, "ow, that hurt.." she slurred. She burst into fits of laughter making me laugh, this was the first time in 6 whole months I had seen her laughing.

"Harry" she exclaimed, I calmed down my laughing and nodded, "yes?". She rolled her eyes and replied "it hurts, you have to kiss it better". I didn't hesitate to twist us around so this time I was on top, I quickly lifted her jumper up and kissed her stomach.

"Better?" I asked, she giggled and nodded. I pressed my lips to her stomach again and whispered, "I love you baby". I made a trail of kissed from her stomach to her chest, she kept giggling which sounded like music to my ears.

After another 10 minutes of us kissing she began to get tired, I would never get tired of kissing her. We both laid down on the sofa and I hugged her close to me, our legs intertwined together and I wrapped my arms around her waist, "night baby" I whispered.

She didn't answer and I looked at her, she was peacefully asleep. I nuzzled my head into her neck and kissed her gently, I finally have her.

I have my Melanie.

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