Chapter 2

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Tobias POV

I watch Tris sleep for a little while, she looks so small and fragile. Then I start to wonder how I lasted so long with out seeing her beautiful, stern eyes. After about a hour I decide to leave the hospital and let Tris sleep, knowing shes now alright and will wake up.

Right as I walk out the door I hear a small and weak voice call my name, Tris. I walk over to Tris and sit by her bed and she asks me about what happened after she got shot, so I say, "After you got shot, Caleb shot David so he couldnt shoot you anymore, he noticed that you stopped moving, but you had a pulse, so he carried you to the hospital in the Bureu and you stayed there for a week, then we transfered you here because the medical treatment wasnt good enough there."

After a few moments of silence all of a sudden Tris' heart monitor started going crazy, a storm of doctors dragged me out of the room and as I was dragged out I heard Tris say, "I love you" and the door was shut.


After about 20 minutes of paceing and thinking, the door opens and a doctor comes out, my heart is beating so hard I can feel it in my fingertips, I am waiting for either good news, or bad news.

Then the doctor finally says, "Beatrice will be alright, she had a very minor heart attack, but right now she is very, very weak. She will need to stay here for a few more days." I thank him and go back into the room, Tris is pale, paler then I have ever seen her. The doctor was right, she is very weak.

We talk for a little while then Zeke, Peter, Cara, Caleb, Christina, and Uriah walk in. I quickly stand up confused and say, "Uri? I thought the unplugged you!'' Tris says.

''When you went into a coma I woke up, so here I am!'' Uriah says happily like the Uriah we know.

We all burst into conversation and tell Tris about what happened while she was sleeping, after about a hour visiting hours are over so we all say good bye and leave Tris, I am worried that something might happen but I ignore that feeling and give Tris a kiss as she falls asleep.

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