Chapter 20

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Tobias POV


Today is the choosing ceremony, Tris and I are getting up early so we can go this year to see the initiates we are going to train ahead of time. "Tris, wake up today is the choosing ceremony, you wanted to go!'' I whisper sweetly in her ear.

She nods, gets up, and quickly changes. Today is also our three year anniversary of knowing each other, after Avery is born we are going to have our wedding. 3 more months to go.

I am snapped out of my train of thought when Tris kisses my cheek, ''Ready to go?'' I ask. ''Yep!'' Tris exclaims happily.

I kiss her cheek and we leave to go to the choosing ceremony.

***Tris POV***

We arrive at where the choosing ceremony is going to be held, and Tobias and I take a seat it the front row. I drift my gaze over to the Abnegation section, I see my parents they wave.

I smile and my mother gets up and walks over to the Dauntless section where I am sitting, ''Beatrice! I didn't know you were pregnant! Boy or girl?'' she exclaims excitedly.

"Girl, her name is going to be Avery, and I am 6 months along!'' I say and she gives me a bear hug and says,''Congratulations! I have to get back to your father now the choosing ceremony is about to start!'' then walks away back to my father.

When she sits back down I zone out and don't listen to the names that are being called. About twenty minutes later Tobias tells me that we have to go now. I nod and we both break into a sprint, I may be pregnant but I can still do everything I could before my pregnancy.

I get onto the train and make small talk with Tobias until we have to jump off, we both jump off and I land flat on my feet. We have to jump off the net before the initiates know there is one there, so Tobias and I quickly get down and get to our positions at the bottom of the net. I hear Max giving the same speech her does every year and then silence.

I can almost feel the tension from down here, I remember what it was like during my initiation three years ago. Everyone looked at each other waiting for a volunteer, my train of thought was interrupted by a high pitched scream.

At first I thought it was a girl, but when I reached out and helped the first jumper down it was a boy. I manage to stifle a laugh, who knew a boy could scream that high pitched?

"What's your name?'' Tobias asked the boy. He doesn't answer, ''Hey, Candor, do you need a hearing aid? What's your name?'' Tobias asks again getting frustrated.

I roll my eyes and yell, ''What's your name?''

He looks at me and smiles, ''Mark,'' then winks, I roll my eyes showing that I am not interested.

"First jumper, Mark!'' Tobias yells and the Dauntless around us cheer and holler. The rest of the initiates jump, ''Dauntless born with Uriah and Zeke, transfers with Four and I,'' I begin as the Dauntless born go with Uri and Zeke.

''I am Four and this is Tris.'' Tobias yells and I hear a few snickers from the group.

One of the Candors', Dan says, ''Two things: one, why is your name Four and two, why is a pregnant woman our instructor?'' he says between laughs. I roll my eyes and I ignore his comment.

"Follow us and we will show you around,'' Tobias says loudly. I grab his hand and he smiles gratefully.

I see a lot of the initiates roll their eyes, this is going to be an interesting year.


A/N: Sorry about the crappy chapter its a filler, in a few minutes I will post a list of the initiates! so stay on! I will post a better chapter in a few days!



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