Chapter 24

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Tris POV

The next day Tobias and I walk back to the dining hall hand in hand. We have to train initiates today so we have to keep all of our emotions from yesterday hidden.

They are probably going to ask questions about the baby, but I am going to block all the questions out.

I walk to our regular table while Tobias gets our muffins. The questions immediately start.

"What happened, Tris?" Uriah and Zeke ask at the same time.

Christina starts sobbing because she doesn't need me to tell her whats wrong for her to know.

"Miscarriage.'' I say barely over a whisper and loud enough for the whole table to hear.

They are about to ask me more questions but Tobias walks back with our muffins.

I sniffle and wave goodbye to everyone then we walk to the training room.

We put out the knifes because we are teaching the initiates knife throwing today. After we finish putting them out I engulf Tobias in a long, reassuring hug.

I pull away when the initiates start to pile in, ''Welcome to day one of training!'' I say.

"Today we will be teaching you how to aim and throw knifes!'' Tobias adds. He glances over at me and smirks, so I walk over to the front of the target. Just like I did three years ago during my initiation.

One of the Erudite transfers, Annabeth, shoots her hand up to ask a question, ''I have two questions: Why are you throwing knifes in her head? And. . . what happened?'' She asks and while pointing to my stomach and whispers the last part.

Right after she said that tears start to blur my vision so I look down, I cannot cry in front of the initiates.

"That is none of your business, transfer.'' I snap harshly while trying to keep me voice steady. I walk away from the target and Tobias starts to demonstrate how to throw.

Every time he throws he hits dead center. ''Now everyone pick up five daggers and start practicing!'' He yells.

Tobias walks over to me and we watch the initiates throw, and help them out if they need it.

After a few hours most of the initiates have hit the center of the target, so as a reward we let them have the afternoon off. Tobias and I told them it was a reward, but we really just wanted some time alone.

We skip lunch and go straight to our apartment. The second Tobias closes the door I start to sob and collapse on the couch.

Tobias hugs me firmly and whispers, ''I love you, everything will get better I promise.''

I nod and kiss him, right away he kisses back.

After a few minutes we pull away for air then walk to bed, just to cuddle and talk.

We talk about how we can't wait to get married when initiation is over and what life could be like without the factions. Or if we would have met if there was never factions.

''Tris, its only six o'clock, I have been thinking about visiting Evelyn. Want to do it now?'' Tobias asks me.

"Sure! Let me just get my shoes and brush my hair out a little.'' I respond hesitantly, Evelyn still doesn't like me. She still thinks we broke up.

I put on my shoes quickly and flatten down my hair, ''Ready?'' Tobias asks while taking my hand, I nod.

We sprint to the train tracks,and we make it just in time.

I fell the ground rumbling and the trains horn nearing. When the train nears I grab the handle and pull myself in.

I feel weightless. I feel free. I feel-I am-Dauntless.



Sorry I just dont get many votes on my chapters:/}

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