Chapter 13

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Tris POV

When I wake up I hear someone in the kitchen, its not Tobias because he is still asleep next to me. I find one of the guns we hid under our bed incase some one breaks in, I slowly inch toward the kitchen.

I peek in and I see one of the Dauntless borns looking through our silverware drawer, I quickly and quietly run back into our bed room and wake up Tobias, "Tobias, someone is in our kitchen looking through the knife drawer!" I whisper. His eyes widen and he nods, he takes the other gun from under our bed.

I take another look into the kitchen and whoever is in there is still looking through the knifes, "Do you know who he is?" I ask.

Tobias nods, "Yesterday when you fell asleep I carried you back over here and they followed me over here and said, 'you don't deserve me and how you won't be your little anything soon.' I'm not sure what they mean't but I will keep you safe, promise," he finishes his sentence and breaks into the kitchen and yells, "Put what ever you have in your hand down now! Or I will shoot!"

The young man drops his knife and runs, before he can get far I shoot his leg and he screams in pain. "What are you going in our house?!" I yell.

" thought it was my house!" he hesitates. "I will shoot you again if you don't tell me the truth!"

"Fine. . .I don't know-" I place the bullet in the chamber and aim it at his head, "You have five seconds to leave this place and if I see you again I will make sure you die."

He runs away and we lock the door behind him, "We should probably get dressed we are already late," Tobias nods his head and we both change in under five minutes, its 8:00. "Get on my back we will get there faster!" Tobias says. I jump on his back and he starts running, he takes a sharp turn and he almost drops me and I grab the closest thing to keep myself from falling. That was his face, I think we both found it very amusing.

Tobias sets me down right in front of the door and we walk in, he starts talking to them on what we are going to do today. I grab the chalk board to show them who is fighting who,

1: Sarah v. Ben

2: Chris v. Sally

3: Jace v. Pete

4: Brenda v. Ethan

I walk over to Tobias and the initiates, it seems like he has said everything they need to know, "There will be the fights before lunch and then you will practice shooting a gun, understand?" Tobias says finishing up as I stop next to him, I see all of the initiates heads bob up and down like a bobble head.

"First fight will be Sarah versus Ben, use your blocking and punching strategies to win," I begin, "when the fight gets too heated or the point where they can't fight anymore me or Four will call of the match." When I finish speaking Sarah and Ben stand across from each other, Ben is twice the size of Sarah but she is fast, if she can throw a few good first punches she could win.

The fight begins with Sarah punching Ben in the jaw and the stomach, Ben tries to kick her the ribs but she blocks it. Sarah kicks him on the side, and he collapses, Tobias walks over and stops right next to me, "Sarah is really good if she keeps this up she will make the top ten at the end of initiation," I nod my head in agreement and I look back over to the fight, Ben gets a good punch on Sarah's nose and knocks her down but she gets up after a few seconds, and punched him square in the jaw. Ben falls and doesn't get back up.

"Winner, Sarah! Next fight Chris versus Sally!" Tobias yells and I circle Sarah's name on the chalk board, I walk back over to where Tobias is and we watch this fight. Sally is small and fast, Chris is tall and bulky. Sally may be small but she can throw a good punch. Chris throws a punch and hits her in the jaw and ribs, Sally falls to the ground and doesn't get back up.

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