Chapter 30

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The picture above is Tris' wedding dress!

Tris POV

Today Christina, Marlene, Lynn, and Shauna are dragging me wedding dress shopping since we have the day off, while the boys get their suits.

My maid of honor is Christina of course, and my brides maids are Marlene, Lynn, and Shauna.

The guest list is simple:

My mom

My dad










Peter (he took memory serum and is nicer now)

We agreed on wanting a small wedding and it will be he day after initiation.

Right now we are walking to the only wedding place in the entire Dauntless compound.

"What kind of wedding dress do you want?" Christina asks me.

"I want the color to be white and the dress to be long," I say "Christina since your the made of honor I want yours to be gray, and the bridesmaids lilac."

She nods and starts to hunt for dresses, I see a few that are pretty.

The first one is very puffy-no way.

The second one is very short and slutty, it looks like a longer t-shirt.

Christina comes back to me with a few dresses for me to try on, I walk into the dressing room and try on the first one. It is too sparkly.

I try on the rest and they all don't fit my style.

I hand them all back to Christina to put back onto the shelfs.

I keep looking for a while until I see a beautiful dress-it is fitting down to my knees then it flares out. The part where it flares out looks like lace, but its not.

"Christina!" I say to show her the dress I just found.

When she sees it she screeches and tells me to try it on, so I do.

I slide on the dress and look into the mirror, and my eyes start to tear up.

I don't see the small Abnegation girl from initiation-I see the strong Dauntless woman I am that is going to be married to the love of her life.

I look like I am ready to get married.

I walk out of the changing room to show the other girls and they stare in shock, "This is defiantly the dress." Marlene says while smiling.

Just then Christina shows me the pair of shoes she must have picked out while I was changing and the match perfectly.

I change out of my dress and pay for it then help find the brides maid dresses.

About two hours later we finally find all the girls a dress then we can go home.

When I get home I hide the wedding dress in the closet and lay down on the couch then fall asleep.

***Tobias POV***

All the guys are getting suits today for my wedding Zeke, Uriah, Will, and Peter are here with me.

We are all getting black suits but we are getting different colored shirts and ties.

I am getting a white shirt and tie.

Zeke is getting a gray shirt and tie.

While Uriah, Will, and Peter are getting lilac shirts and ties.

I am really excited for the wedding. I don't care how the wedding goes as long as Tris is the bride and the cake is Dauntless cake.

We already ordered out suits so all we have to do is pick them up, Zeke agreed since we are all getting ready at his place we will keep all the suits there.

We grab the suits and drop them off at his apartment then I go home.

I walk in to see Tris asleep on the couch, I smile and pick her up carefully and put her on our bed.

I quickly change into my shorts and leave my shirt off. I lay down next to Tris and wrap my arms around her and fall asleep.

{A/N: I am super excited to write the wedding chapter😬😬

I have been updating more frequently lately because I have time lol so yeah.

Check out my other story 'Lost'!

Christina's Dress:

Marlene, Shauna, and Lynn's Dress:

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