Chapter 28

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Tobias POV

Today is capture the flag so the initiates have off.

Tris and I are on our way to Zeke's apartment for truth or dare.

When we get to his apartment we just walk in without knocking. "Okay, before we start the game- Marlene, Will, Lynn, and Al all have some explaining to do!" Uriah yells.

They all start explaining their stories-Marlene just broke a lot of bones, we never actually checked if she was alive.

Will was shot in the head, but the part of the brain didn't affect anything major so they were able to save him.

After Lynn 'died' she was brought to the morgue and given some serum to heal her.

Al threw a fake body over the chasm.

After everything is explained we start the game. Uriah starts, "Four! Truth or Dare?"

"Dare!" I say.

"I dare you to drink a bottle of hot sauce." Uriah says while laughing

I nod my head and he hands me a giant bottle of hot sauce. I gulp the whole thing down in about ten minutes, because that stuff melts your insides.

"Okay. . . Lynn truth or dare?" I ask.

"Dare?" she says unsure about her answer.

"I dare you to run around the pit screaming that you are from amity and you love getting high off peace serum!" I say and the whole room erupts into laughter.

"Uh no thanks," she says while taking off her jacket "Al, truth or dare?"

"T-dare." he says.

"I dare you to kiss your crush." she says

His eyes flick over to Tris then he gets up to kiss her.

He presses his lips to hers and she pulls back quickly then gives him a look of disgust.

"Tris, truth or dare?" he asks.


"Are you a virgin?" he asks.

Her eyes flick to mine then says, "No."

His eyes go wide in shock, "Will, truth or dare?" Tris asks Will.


"I dare you to play 7 minutes with Christina." she says.

He nods and grabs Christina's hand then walks to the closet. While we wait for the 7 minutes to be up we talk about small things.

Everything goes well until Al notices Tris' engagement ring, his face turn red in anger and says, "Who are you engaged to, Tris?"

"Four." she says plainly and then kisses me.

We keep kissing until someone yells, "Get a room!" We pull apart and my eyes widen, Christina and Will have been in the room for a while now.

"Chris! Will! 7 minutes is up!" Marlene yells while snickering.

They come out a second later while smiling and their hair is messed up and shirts are on backwards.

"Zeke, truth or dare?" Will says.

"Dare!" Zeke says while roaring.

"I dare you to. . . run around the pit in your underwear while yelling that you love amity, but you need peace serum to fit in." Will says while laughing.

He nods and runs out to the pit, from the room we hear him yelling what we told him to while we are rolling on the ground laughing.

I look at the clock and it is about time for lunch, "Guys, we are gonna go eat lunch then sleep because of capture the flag tonight." I say while taking Tris' hand.

"We can continue the game tomorrow!" Uriah yells.

We all nod and say bye, then we get up and head towards the dining hall to get lunch.

{ A/N: Sorry its short but I wanted to update, and OMG guys thank you soooo much for 32.3k reads thats INSANE!

I will update again later maybe, the next chapter will be capture the flag so it will be longer!

Also, I really wanted to do a truth or dare chapter soo ta-da! lol.






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