Chapter 27

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Tobias POV

Today has been so strange- Will, Marlene, and Lynn are really alive, and now here is Al.

Tris fainted when she saw Al, I don't blame her. He almost killed her.

"So, how are you alive?" Christina finally asks him.

"Uh. . . I faked my death." he says quietly, almost a whisper.

"Why? Tris was upset, she kept blaming herself for what you did!" Uriah yells.

"And why did you help Peter do that to her?" I yell in my instructor voice that he is scared of.

"B-because Peter said that she was going to kick me out of Dauntless once she had me gain her trust. He said that I could have the place that she was going to have." Al says with his voice shaking.

"Why would you think she would do that?" everyone at the table yells at the same time. By everyone I mean: Will, Christina, Zeke, Uriah, Shauna, Marlene, Lynn, and I.

Al just shrugs and reluctantly sits in the only empty seat next to Tris.

Tris finally starts to wake up then she sits up.

She sees Al again, "This has to be a dream." she whispering over and over again.

"I am real." Al says softly while attempting to put and arm around her, but she just shrugs it off.

He try's to again but she rejects him again and mumbles, "I'm engaged."

"To who?" he asks seeming mad and jealous.

"Four." she states simply while kissing my cheek.

Al's eyes go wide and mumbles, "Sorry."

Tris just shrugs and takes my hand, "We have to get back to training initiates now, bye." I say.

Everyone waves and says bye. I can't help but notice that Al is constantly staring at Tris, but I try to ignore it because I know she would never leave me for him.

"I swear this day can't get any weirder." Tris says loud enough for only me to hear.

"Agreed." I say and she laughs lightly.

We set out the punching bags for the initiates, now we are teaching them how to do some basic punches.

The initiates start to walk back in from lunch and when everyone gets in we begin, "Now we are going to teach you some basic punching moves." I yell.

Tris goes up to a punching bag and demonstrates five ways to punch, and then the initiates go to their own punching bags. They aren't as bad as I thought they were going to be, but they need some practice.

Tris walks back over to me and we watch them for a while, then Tris goes around to help the smaller initiates, I hear her giving advice to the smallest transfer Emma.

"You don't have much muscle,'' she says "which means you're better off using your knees and elbows. You can put more power behind them."

I remember telling her that, I smile at the memory.

I start going around to help out with some of the transfers, but most of them don't need much help.

When the clock hits six o'clock Tris and I dismiss the initiates and go back to our apartment.

We sit at the table talking for a while, "Are you hungry? I can get us something to eat." I ask.

She nods and I kiss her cheek then get up to get us something.

I walk out the door and go to the dining hall then I grab two hamburgers and two huge slices of cake.

I rush back to the apartment because I am starving.

I open the door and see Tris sitting on the same place I left her, "Hey, Tris, I got food." I say to get her attention. She looks over at me then smiles weakly.

"Whats wrong?" I ask when she starts eating.

"I just don't know what to think anymore, everyone is just

randomly alive. I am scared that Jeanine might also be alive." Tris replies.

"It's okay, I will keep you safe, I love you." I say.

"I love you too." she says and we finish our dinner in a comfortable silence.

A/N: Wow! Two chapters in a day! I am going to be writing a lot in the next hour just because I'm in a writing mood lol

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