Chapter 31

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Tris POV

Today we are starting fights during training. The fights are:

Annabeth v. Percy
Dan v. Emma
Mark v. Samantha
Olivia v. Taylor

Since we have an even number of transfers, everyone fights twice.

I walk to the training room with a muffin in each hand, one for Tobias and one for me.

When I walk in I throw him his muffin and he writes the fights on the chalk board.

We kiss and talk for a while until the initiates start to walk in, "Today we are doing the fights," I yell "first up-Annabeth and Percy!"

They look at each other worried, I guess they are friends, or more than that.

Percy is only an inch taller than Annabeth, I can tell this isn't going to end well.

He whispers something in her ear and she nods punching him hard in the nose-he looks shocked at first then he punches her in the stomach.

Annabeth thinks for a second, and then I see an evil glint in her eye-she kicks him where the sun doesn't shine then punches his hard in he jaw.

The whole room is silent then erupts into laughter, I can tell even Tobias is holding back laughter.

"Annabeth, help Percy to the infirmary! Next fight Dan and Emma." Tobias yells.

They walk to the ring and Emma looks determined while Dan looks cocky.

I hope Emma wins-it would be good for her.

Emma throws the first punch to his throat. This caught him off guard the he kicked her in the stomach but she easily blocked it.

She quickly knocks him unconscious, because she is strong and fast.

I don't pay attention to the rest of the fights besides when Tobias calls out the winners.

"Today's winners are-Annabeth, Emma, Mark, and Taylor," Tobias yells "since we got all the fights done early you have the afternoon off."

Once everyone leaves I speak up, "Tobias, since we have the afternoon off can I visit my parents, to tell them the wedding is soon? And Caleb, too?"

"Sure! We can pick up lunch and eat it on the way, okay?"

"Okay." I say, we walk out to the dining hall hand in hand and take two burgers and some Dauntless cake then run to the train tracks.

We eat while waiting for the train to come and by the time it comes we completely finished our food.

***Tobias POV***

We hop onto the train and sit together in a comfortable silence.

"We are here." Tris says, I can tell she is nervous but I squeeze her hand to reassure her.

She squeezes back and smiles.

We get to her parents house and knock, after about ten minutes Natalie opens the door, "Beatrice! Four! Come in!"

"We have something to tell you Mom." Tris says slowly.

"You didn't get her pregnant right?" Natalie asks jokingly.

"Well. . . no." I say nervously. I forgot that she never knew that Tris was pregnant before.

"What do you mean?" she asks.

"Tris was pregnant. . . but she had a miscarriage." I say sadly.

"Oh dear I'm sorry." she says while hugging us.

"Where is dad?" Tris asks to change the subject.

"He is in Erudite for work, he is staying with Caleb, why?"

"We came to tell you that the day after initiation is over we are having our wedding!" Tris and I say at the same time, then we laugh.

"Oh thats great! Do you want me to tell your father when he comes back?" she asks.

"No that's fine we were going to visit Caleb next and tell him anyways," Tris says "we should probably get going now the next train is going to be here soon."

"Okay Beatrice, I will see you at your wedding!" she says while kissing her forehead and hugging me goodbye.

We wave and then run out to the train tracks.

"I'm worried about my their reaction to this."

"It's okay, no matter what he says I will still love you." I say says lovingly, then I kiss her cheek.

The train comes and then we jump on and make our way to Erudite.

{A/N: Sorry it's shortish, I wanted to stop there or else it would be too long, I will update again when I have 35k reads! I'm pretty close so it shouldn't be too hard!

Comment and keep Voting!

Also check out my other story, 'Lost'!}

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