Chapter 18

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Tobias POV

Today is the last day of training, at the end of stage one two transfers got cut, Brenda and Jace, so they are factionless. They all had more than eight fears this year, Pete has 13, Chris has 9, Ethan has 21, Sarah has 10, Ben has 34, and Sally has the least amount, 8.

After a few minutes of thinking I get up to shower, when I get out I see that Tris is fully dressed and has her makeup on. Tris doesn't need makeup in my opinion, she puts a very little amount on, which makes it look more natural. She is staring at the wall thinking so I decide not to bother her until I'm dressed.

I walk into our bedroom and put on my usual outfit, black jeans and shirt, with black vans. I walk out and kiss Tris' cheek to snap her out of her gaze, ''What were you thinking about Trissy?'' I ask Tris.

''First of all, don't call me that and second, I was just think about when we should have the wedding. I don't want to buy a dress and then grow out of it before the wedding because of my stomach growing too big, unless you want to wait until after the baby is born for the wedding,'' Tris says with mixed emotions.

''We can wait until the baby is born, only five more months to go!'' I say while smiling wide.

''Oh that reminds me! During lunch I have an appointment to find out the gender!'' Tris says so fast I barely understand what she said. I just laugh and nod.

I grab her hand and together we walk out to the dining hall to eat quickly before we do the final tests for the initiates.

******Tris POV******

There is about 5 more initiates that need to go through their fear landscape, it is time for lunch so Tobias and I are going to the hospital to find out our baby's gender.

We walk to the front desk and I say, ''Tris Prior, I have an appointment for 12:10.'' she nods and takes us to a room in the back. She tells us that a doctor will be here in a minute.

I am so ecstatic to find out what gender it is. After a few minutes of small talk a doctor walks in, "So are you here to find out your babies gender?'' The doctor asks with a smile.

''Yes!'' I say back very enthusiastic. The doctor just laughs and smiles, she tells me to lift up my shirt and she rubs and cold goo on my stomach. She using something that looks like a stick and massages my stomach with it. As she does that I see my baby appear on the small screen next to her.

A few minutes later the doctor finally finds the Gentiles and says,''Okay you are having a. . . healthy baby girl! I feel tears of joy spring into my eyes. "Yay! Thank you! I will be back in eight weeks for my next appointment, right?'' I ask and she nods, I thank her again and we go to lunch.

"What do you want to name her?'' I ask Tobias. ''Sarah?'' I shake my head no, ''Tori?'' he suggests.

"No, how about. . . Avery? I have always loved that name,'' I say and his face lightens up, ''I love that name!'' Tobias exclaims and kisses my stomach, ''I love you, Avery.'' I love Tobias he is going to be an amazing father. I am about four months pregnant now so I am starting to show, the initiates are starting to notice I am pregnant. But it doesn't matter, today is the last day of initiation anyways.

✡✡✡✡✡✡PAGE BREAK✡✡✡✡✡✡

The ranks go up and every one either burst into tear or screams of joy. The rankings are:

1. Sally
2. Chris
3. Victoria (Tori)
4. Mar
5. Joe
6. Sarah
7. Pete
8. Dan
9. Ben
10. Ethan

I am proud for everyone that made it, tomorrow I go back to work at the tattoo parlor with Tori (A/N: Yes I made her alive bc I can, this is tattoo parlor tori according to me she never died dont hate. Btw initiate tori will be called Victoria now)

Once everyone starts to go back to the dorm's to pack up the little amount of stuff the have I go back to the apartment I share with Tobias, when I open the door I see that he is asleep.

I quickly and quietly change into one of his old shirts and a pair of my shorts and I quickly drift off into a dreamless sleep.


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