Chapter 34

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Tris POV

*a few days later*

Today is visiting day and I am terrifed, Andrew, my mom, and Caleb are most likely going to be here along with Marcus.

I drag myself out of bed and wake up Tobias so we can get ready then get breakfast at the dining hall and to wake up the initiates, I put on ripped black skinny jeans and a low cut tank top that shows all of my tattoos and my favorite combat boots. Tobias puts on a black shirt and jeans with his only pair of black sneakers.

Before I leave I put on my engagement ring because I took it off last night, like I do every night. We walk out hand-in-hand and walk to the dorms to wake up the initiates, "Wake up! Today is visting day, don't be dissapointed if your parents don't visit you because they mostlikely see a lot of you as traitors," Tobias yells "but if they do come it will be best if you don't seem too attached, because we take the phrase 'Faction Before Blood' very seriously here! Get changed then come to the pit!"

*10 minutes later*

Tobias and I are standing by the chasm talking and kissing while waiting for my parents and Caleb to come because we know they are coming. I am leaning on the railing while we are kissing, and after a few minutes I hear footsteps coming towards us and when they get to us they pull us apart.

When I look at the person who pulled us apart I don't only see one person I see two, Marcus and my father, Andrew.

"What do you want, Andrew and Marcus?" I say emphasizing their names.

"I am your father and you will not call me by my first name, you are not acting like the daughter I raised you to be," Andrew starts then looks down at my outfit and adds "you certainly aren't dressing like her either."

"I am nineteen Andrew I don't need to listen to you anymore," I start "I thought you were dead for two years and Tobias, Caleb, and all my amazing friends were the only ones there for me while you were hiding."

After I said that it was silent for a few minutes then Tobias says, "Tris is right, you are acting like she is a child that cannot take care of herself, but during the years you were gone I saw the real side of her. Instead of being quiet, she is outgoing. Instead of letting everyone push her around, she stands up for herself. She is the bravest person I have ever met and you are the only person that hasn't seen that side of her yet.

Beatrice was the shell of what she is now, the small, weak, Abnegation girl. But now she is Tris, the strong, brave, Dauntless woman, that stands up for what she believes in and protects the people she loves. So don't you dare try and change the amazing person I love to be anybody else."

When Tobias stops talking I give him a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek while Andrew and Marcus stand there in shock. I look over to my mom and Caleb, and they are both crying and they look proud.

Then my mom does something unexpected and gives Tobias a hug and whispers something in his ear then she gives me a hug and whispers, "You better keep this man, he loves you."

Then I whisper back, "I know, but I love him more." Then my mom walks back to her spot next to Caleb then he runs up to me and gives me a hug and a kiss on the forehead, then the both of the leave.

"Well Andrew I think we should go now." Marcus says with a smug look, Andrew just nods and they both silently walk away.

By the smug look on Marcus' face he is planning something and we should watch our back. I look at my watch and it is still early so we have to go to the pit to meet our initiates parents now.

We see Dan's mom first, "Hello are you Dan's instructors? My name is Gwen." she says.

"Yes we are," Tobias answers "Dan is doing really well in initiation so far, if he keeps it up he will definatly get a top ten spot."

Gwen looks at me and says, "You don't look like much, are you sure you are capable of training my son? How old are you."

"I am nineteen and I would like you to know that Four and I are the two best in the compound with the least amount of fears--I have six and he has four. Also we were both ranked first." I say so she doesn't mock me any further.

Her eyes go wide with shock, "Wow. I guess you have to talk to more parents so I will let you get to that." Then she walks away.

We spend the next hour talking to parents and explaining that I am capable to train their children.

By the time we are finally done it is one o'clock so we go to eat a late lunch then spend the rest of the day in our apartment.

*20 minutes later*

Tobias POV

Tris and I are walking back to our apartment hand-in-hand, she had a long day today so later for dinner I am going to bring Tris to the Ferris Wheel for a picnic.

I open the door with my free hand then take off my shoes lay down on the bed, and Tris does the same.

She rolls over and wraps her arms around me while sighing. "Are you okay?" I ask.

"I'm fine, I just had a long day today." She answers.

"Do you want to go on a picnic later by the Ferris wheel?" I ask and her eyes light up.

"Yeah, that would be really nice, I love you so much." She says while smiling.

"I love you, too."

A/N: I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while I have had no inspiration to write at all so here is a longish chapter for you all!

I am super excited for MOONDAY [yes I <4 teen wolf] but I am also scared, I hope nobody dies :(

I saw the trailer for tomorrow's episode and I am thinking Malia dies but I hope not :(

I am also excited for friday bc I'm getting my braces off yay.

I am going to see if I can get 45-50k read by friday because that would be sooooo amazing omg ily guys.



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