Chapter 14

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Tris POV

I wake up early and Tobias is smiling in his sleep, probably because of what happened last night. I quickly get dressed and decide to visit Caleb because I haven't seen him in a while so I decide to write a quick note to Tobias so he knows where to find me if something happens.

Caleb has been working in the control rooms when Tobias wasn't there, since he is good with computers. I stick the note under the lamp and head out, Caleb's room is upstairs so it's not too far from the control room, I find his apartment and knock on his door.

After five minutes I knock on the door again and he finally answers looking tired from sleep, "Are you okay? You look tired,'' I say while laughing. ''You woke me up! Of course I would be tired! Why did you come here anyways?" he asks harshly.

"Well I wanted to talk to you since we haven't talked in a while!" I say getting defensive, he let's me in a closes the door, "So what did you want to talk about?'' he asks me.

"Okay, before I say this, do you promise you will appreciate my decision," I say and he nods, "Promise"

"Tobias and I are. . . getting married, soon," his smile is replaced with his look of disapproval, "You promised you would appreciate my decision," I say fighting back the tears, "I know, but don't you think your too young?"

"Here you are breaking your promise, and for you information today's my 18th birthday and you obviously didn't care to remember that," before he can answer I walk away. I get back to our apartment and I see that Tobias is gone, I check every room for him but he isn't there.

The bathroom door is cracked open, I grab one of our guns and walk toward the bathroom. I don't know what to expect but I want to be safe. I don't see anyone at first but then a large bag is put over my head and large calloused hands are put over my mouth to muffle my screams, then all i see is black.

***Tobias POV***

When I wake up all I remember is being knocked out and dragged into this small, dark room with two beds. Then a horrifying thought occurs, they must have Tris. I think the same thing over and over again until I fall asleep.

About an hour or so later I am woken up by the door opening and someone dragging Tris' limp body, my heart just broke. She has bruises across her face and a huge cut down her arm. I stifle a sob, I can't have who ever is behind this see me like that.

They slam her body to the bed barely a few feet away from me as if she was a doll, not a real living, breathing person. They walk out and after a few minutes Tris wakes up and groans in pain, "Tobias? Do you have any idea where we are?" she asks me, her voice is obviously shaking.

"I have no idea, I just remember waking up here not at our apartment," I try to say without my voice cracking. She nods her head and as if planned someone I hoped I would never see again walks in.

Eric and Marcus.

Tris turns her head and stares at me with wide eyes, "Why hello Tobias, Beatrice," Marcus says while nodding toward us. "Stiff! So thats your real name? Beatrice?" Eric says while snorting.

"Eric, shut your mouth I ranked higher then you at the final stage of initiation I could take you in a fight any day," Tris says boldly. Eric just snorts in response, "Take off your shirt, Beatrice," Marcus says harshly.

"Why?" Tris asks with her voice shaking now, "Because I say so, don't fight, it will be easier for us both," Marcus says again while undoing his belt, "Marcus stop!" I yell loud enough for the entire building to hear.

By now, Tris knows where this is going and starts shaking, Tris takes off her shirt and kneels down on the ground. Marcus' "slaves" put restraints on my so I can't help Tris. This isn't going to be good.

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