Chapter 29

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Tris POV

Tobias and I are walking to the initiate dorms to wake up the initiates for capture the flag, we are going to be on the same team while Uriah and Zeke are on the other team.

Zeke and Uri are waking up the Dauntless-Born, when we get to the dorms Tobias and I scream at the top of our lungs, "Wake up we are going on a trip!"

Most of the initiates look like they crapped themselves and it is pretty funny. Some of them even fell out their bed.

"Be at the train tracks in ten minutes or consider yourself factionless!" I yell.

They all nod vigorously and we jog out to the train tracks.

When we are there I turn around and kiss Tobias passionately, just because I can.

He kissed back and we stand there kissing for a while until I hear someone whistling.

We pull away blushing and I see all the initiates staring at us in shock.

We walk over to the table we put the paint ball guns at and we start to hand them out, along with some containers with extra paintballs.

Since the train isn't coming for a few more minutes we divide the teams, Tobias and I use the same strategy we use every year.

We pick the fast and smaller initiates, they look weak but they really aren't.

I feel the train tracks rumble beneath my feet and I see the headlights of the train not too far away.

When the train starts to get closer I prepare myself to jump in, when it is right in front of my I toss myself into the cart all the initiates should get into.

We decided that my team will hide their flag first, Tobias and I will probably climb the Ferris wheel.

When we get to where we are supposed to jump off Tobias yells, "My team, jump!"

We all jump off when he yells that then we run out of earshot of the other team, "How about we hide the flag in the dirt and we climb the Ferris wheel for a better view of the other teams flag?" Annabeth suggests while shrugging.

"Good idea, anybody else have a better idea?" I ask. Nobody answers.

"Okay, Four and I volunteer to climb the ferries wheel while you guys cover the flag in dirt, be careful the other team is probably hiding their flag now." I say while dragging Tobias to the Ferris wheel.

"When we get up their I want to show you something." he says and his voice is already shaky.

When we finally reach the top Tobias is pale. "Are you okay?" I ask then he nods.

"This is what I wanted to show you," he says getting a flashlight for his pocket, he moves the flashlight around until I see '4+6=infinity' "I wrote this the day you got your ranking." he says smiling.

"I would kiss you but I'm on a mission.'' I say laughing.

I start looking around for the other teams flag and I see it up in a tree by the marsh.

I point it out to Tobias and we go down to tell the initiates.

We split up into two groups and then start walking towards where the flag is.

After a while of walking I hear gun shots and I drop down to the ground and shoot everyone I see.

I get up and tell Taylor to get the flag while I guard her.

I shoot everyone I see thats not on my team until I hear Taylor scream, "I got the flag!"

After Taylor screamed that it was followed by a bunch of cheers.

I walk up to Tobias and yawn, he picks me up bridal style, and we all walk to the train tracks still cheering.

**Tobias POV**

I jump onto the train with Tris asleep in my arms, "Tomorrow we have off because of the game tonight." I yell to the initiates.

Mark gives me a dirty look and says, "Why are you carrying her?"

"Last time I checked it isn't against the law to carry my sleeping fiancée." I answer coldly.

Mark's eyes go wide and he asks, "You're engaged?"

I nod and smirk.

When we get to the Dauntless compound we jump and I carry Tris back to our apartment.

I walk through the door and close it after I put Tris on out bed, I put her into more comfortable clothes.

After I do that I take off my shirt and lay down next to her and fall into a dreamless sleep.

{A/N: Yay, capture the flag!

Thanks for reading and check out my new story 'Lost' I have chapter chapters one and two posted! Vote and comment if you like it!

What should I do next chapter:

Wedding shopping/ planning


Tobias and Tris relaxing at home




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