Chapter 16

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Tris POV

Tobias and I walk shoulder to shoulder to the training room, the initiates quickly pile in, "Since we haven't been doing training for a while today we will be just practicing on the punching bags, everyone go to a bag and start practicing," I say and I walk over to the corner of the room with Tobias.

Considering they haven't practiced in more then a week they are doing excellent.

We watched the initiates practice fighting for a little while and then I see two gray figures by the door, "Beatrice?" One of them say, it can't be, me heart drops and my stomach does a flip. They walk a little closer and I see my mother and father, "Mom, Dad!" I scream and tears are quickly streaming down my face.

I run over to them and embrace them in a bear hug and I am now sobbing, the initiates are staring at me, "Nobody told you to stop, keep practicing," Tobias says to get the attention of me. "I-I thought you were dead!" I say so only they can hear it, "We were never dead, we just went unconscious, before we died Amity took us to their hospital and nursed us, I am sorry we are only telling you now, I just got out of my coma last month," my mother says.

I cannot stop smiling, "I am so happy your alive, and I want you to meet someone be right back," I say running over to Tobias, "I want you to meet my parents should I use Tobias or Four?" he thinks for a second and says, "Tobias" I nod and smile, we walk over to my parents

"Mom, Dad, this is Tobias, Tobias Eaton," my mom smiles and my dad gives a look of disgust, "Why did you transfer, Tobias?" my dad asks.

"Dad, not all the Erudite reports are lies," he looks confused, "What do you mean?" he asks, I look over to Tobias and he nods, "I left because of Marcus, he was abusive," Tobias whispers so only we can hear. My mother nods and my father has a look of sympathy, "Okay, we better get going, when initiation is over come and visit okay?" my mother asks.

"Okay, bye I love you," I say and give them each a hug and they walk away, "You guys are dismissed for lunch! Be back in an hour!" I yell and they all leave, then I see someone I do not want to see, Eric.

He walks towards us and I am trembling with fear, "What was that stiff? Talking to your parents while training? Whats wrong with you?" Eric spits. "I-I thought they were dead! I haven't seen them in two years," I say sounding smaller then I am. I turn around then Tobias and I walk away into the cafeteria and a smile is still plastered on my face. We sit down at our usual table, "Truth or dare at my place at 7 be there or be a pansycake!" Zeke yells and I just giggle.

"Whats up with your crazy smile?'' Uriah asks me, "My parents, they are alive. They just visited me and I thought they were dead,'' I say while smiling wider then I ever thought I could. "Thats amazing!" says Christina while squealing. "I know! Bye guys, see you later we have to finish training for today!" I say and Tobias and I walk out.

They initiates file in, "You were a stiff?" Ben asks while smirking, "Yes, Four and I, and we both ranked first in our initiate classes so keep your mouth shut," I say, that defiantly shut him up.

***Tobias POV***

"C'mon Tris truth or dare is starting soon!" I say to Tris who is still changing, "Hang on, I'm almost done!" she yells back and a few seconds later she walks out looking stunning, my mouth falls open.

"Close your mouth you're going to catch flies," she says while giggling, I blush and we walk to Zeke's apartment together. I knock on his door and when he answers I can tell he is already drunk, "Who ever isn't playing candor or dauntless leave, we don't want your pansycake ass here," Uriah says, they are both drunk.

We sit in a circle, "Since this is my apartment I go first!" Zeke yells, "Four, my good friend, truth or dareth?" I think for a second then reply, "Truth''

"Pansycake!" Uriah says and tries to cover it with a cough, but doesn't work. "Have you and Tris. . .?" he says while wiggling his eyebrows, I look over to Tris and her face is as red as it could get, "Yes. . ." I mumble, "What was that? I couldn't hear you," Zeke says and I give him an evil look, "Yes!" I yell louder. In response he just snickers.

"Chris, truth or dare?" She thinks for a second, ''Dare,'' I know Uriah has a crush on Christina so I'm going to have fun with this, "I dare you to play seven minutes with Uriah," she gets up, ''C'mon babe,'' Uriah says in his best girl voice and winks, everyone laughs their heads off until they get into the room.

Seven minutes later they both come out smiling and their hair is messed up, "Okay, Tris, truth or dare,'' Christina says while pointing to Tris.

"Dare!'' Tris says and smiles, ''I dare you to do a pregnancy test,'' Tris looks at her confused but then they both just leave.

***Tris POV***

"Chris why do you want me to get one?'' I ask, "Because you haven't been yourself lately," I just nod and we buy it. I do agree with her, I haven't been feeling well lately, I have been moody, eating more, and gaining weight. I hope I'm not pregnant I am too young, but I would love to be a mother.

When we get back to the apartment I walk straight to the bathroom and I do what the directions say.

***Tobias POV***

Tris just went into the bathroom, I doubted that she would be pregnant but then I remembered what happened last week. Twenty minutes have passed then I see Tris come out of the bathroom with wide eyes, "Tris are you okay?" Christina asks, Tris waves her had toward the door for me and Christina to follow her.

We close the door, Tris looks up into my eyes, her eyes are swimming with tears, ''Tobias, I'm pregnant."

{A/N: YAYYYY HAPPY CHAPTERRR!!! Did you like that plot twist😉 YAAYYY FOURTRIS BABIES!!! LOL!! Two updates in one day dang, I have no life so I might update one more time lolz}

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