new description!

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hey guys! I just wrote a new description for Sketch Pad! here it is:

Melissa Rose is a loner.

She sits in the front row in every class, like every stereotypical nerd, but there's a twist; she is acknowledged, but not in a positive manner that anyone would hope for.

Everyday in her live is a living hell, name calling, hair pulling, 'slut' shaming, and any other form of verbal abuse anyone could think of.

Her dad is an alcoholic, blocking her out and entering his only world of agony to forget all of his unwanted thoughts.

After years of her dad and the kids at school she has nearly had enough, with no escape.

When her old childhood friend, Evan Brinkley, suddenly steps foot into her life again it is like a deep breath of fresh air - and she doesn't know if she should be scared or relieved.

I HOPE YOU LIKE IT and check out Sketch Pad if you haven't!

One of my friend's reaction was (and I'm not changing any of it)



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