Chapter 5

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Tris POV

Tears are forming in my eyes threatening to spill over, Nita is dragging me away, away from Tobias, away from my friends. Nita is grasping one arm and my other is hanging to my side. Then I remeber, yesterday Tobias gave me a knife to keep in my pocket so if this happened I could defend myself.

I slowly inch my hand toward my back pocket and I finally wrap my hand around the handle of the knife, my heart racing with fear. So many thoughts are going through my mind, what if I fail? What if Nita shoots me? Is Tobias okay? Is it time to join my mother and father? Is it time to join Will?

I have to calm down. My heart rate slows down, before I turn around and thrust the knife into Nita's chest I consider what could happen if I miss, or if she shoots me before I stab her.

I could just die, or she could shoot my leg and then drag me somewhere nobody would ever find me.

I ignore those thoughts then swing my arm back and stab Nita on the shoulder. Then I run, back to Tobias.

When I finally reach Tobias he is on the floor, still, I check his pulse and thankfully he is breathing. What did Nita shock him with? I can't try to bring Tobias to a doctor he is too heavy for me to carry. I try to find Christina, Caleb, Cara, Zeke, and Uriah but It takes me a while, eventually I find Christina who is realived to see me, "Wheres Tobias?" she asks with a concerned look. "Thats what I need your help with, he is still in the closet but Nita stunned him with something, and I need your help carrying him to a doctor his heart rate isnt normal," i say.

Christina and I quickly run to where Tobias is, and when we arrive to the closet Tobias is gone. There is no evidence on where he went, then I notice a piece of paper taped to the door it reads:

This is a warning not a negotiation,

I have Tobias and I will

kill him if you dont get me

what I need in the next

24 hours, I need a body-

guard and a safe trip

through the fringe. Don't

try looking for Tobias and

hiding, because I will

find you, and kill you

both. When you have

what I need meet me

behind amity compound.


I feel like part of me just died, I need to find a safe way for Nita to get through the fringe. How do I know shes not lieing? I don't care. "We need to get this done as fast as possible, I hope Tobias is okay," thats all I can say. "Tris everything will be okay, it wont be too hard to get Nita through the fringe.

We start looking for a truck and guard right away, I am looking for the truck while Christina is out looking for a guard. I quickly find a small running truck and meet up with Christina outside the compound.

We are on our way to behind the compound then we see him, Tobias is tied to a tree with blood on his forehead and leaking down onto his neck, I can see the fear in his eyes from here. Nita stands behind him with a smirk, what has she done to him?

I get out of the car and walk over to Nita. "Thanks for the car," she says sarcasticly, "now as you got on the letter is if I dont get to the fringe safely I am coming back to kill you and your boyfriend."

Nita walks away leaving me with Tobias, he instantly calms down when I start untying him. Once he is untied he jumps up and hugs me tight, and I hug back. Since we gave Nita our truck we have to walk back to our rooms, "What did she do to you?" I ask Tobias.

" to kiss me, multiple times, she knew about what my father did to me with his belt, so she used her belt and..." at that point a film is covering his eyes so I say, "You can wait until we get to our room to tell me," I say calmly and sweetly. "Okay, thank you for doing whatever Nita told you to do. When I woke up all I remebered was being shocked by something and her dragging you away."

"I saw there was a big mark on her arm, did that knife I gave you come in handy?" Tobias whispered. "Yes it did actually, I never thought I would need

it" I say with a smile.

We get to the compound and walk to Tobias' room, since its my first night out of the hospital I have no where to stay, unless I sleep with Tobias and im pretty sure I will. We get settled into bed and before I drift off I hear Tobias say, "I love you"

"I love you two" I say

"I love you three"

"I love you Four" I see what he did there, and I giggle. Through a laugh he says, "Goodnight" and sleep overwhelms us both.

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