Chapter 22

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Tris POV

We all walk to the center of Zeke's apartment, Zeke and Uriah have the most sinister smiles on their faces.

Then at the same time, as if planed, they say, ''So. . .who is ready for Candor or Dauntless?''

We all whoop in agreement and sit in a circle, before we started the initiates walk in, great. They all look out if place and scared, well this is going to be fun.

"Uh, hi initiates, we are playing candor or dauntless,'' Uriah starts,''If you don't know how to play thank god you didn't choose Erudite!'' Everyone laughs at this.

''I start since this is my apartment!'' Zeke yells like a little kid. He looks around the room and stops at Tobias, ''Four, my dear friend, candor or dauntless?''

Tobias thinks about this for a minute then says, ''Dare.'' confidently but I can tell there is come worry behind his confidence.

Zeke grins widely and sinisterly, ''I dare you to tell me your fears and who knows them.''

''Uh, I'm not telling you my fears, and the only person that knows them is Tris.'' He says while kissing me on the cheek. Zeke just frowns.

''Okay. . .Uriah truth or dare?'' Tobias asks. He probably will choose dare because he 'ain't a pansycake'.

"Dare! I ain't no pansycake!'' He yells so loudly he startled the initiates.

''I dare you to. . .propose the first person you see in the pit-''

''That's easy!'' He says heading towards the door.

''You didn't let me finish!'' He begins,''you have to be in just your underwear, while doing it! Boy or girl!"

Everyone starts cracking up besides the Abnegation transfer.

"Do it Uri!'' Christina says while wiping tears from her eyes from laughing so hard.

Uriah rolls his eyes and starts stripping down to his underwear. Everyone gets up and follows him to see this. The first person that he sees is Tori.

He drops down on one knee, ''Tori, will you marry me?''

"Don't you think I'm too old?"

"Age is just a number!'' he says while faking tears. Everyone including the transfers are on the floor laughing.

Tori spots me in the small crowd and says, ''Tris, is he drunk?'' Which makes me laugh harder then before.

"We are playing Candor or Dauntless, wanna play?'' I say through fading laughs.

"Sorry, I have to get back to the tattoo parlor for my shift. Maybe after!'' she says.

I nod and we all wave and walk back to Zeke's apartment.

"Okay, Tris, truth or dare.'' Uriah says to me.

"Dare!'' I say while wiggling my eyebrows.

"I dare you to play 7 minutes with Dan(initiate)'' he says in reply.

Dan's eyes lit up when he said that, gross. I slide off my shirt and now all I have is a undershirt, jeans and leggings.

"Four, truth or dare?'' I ask smiling.


''I dare you to play 7 minutes with me!'' I say while wiggling my eye brows.

He nods and we both get up from our spot. Right before I walk in one of the initiates, Samantha, screeches,"No he is mine!'' while getting up and walking towards me.

Before she gets any closer I punch her in the face and say, ''Sorry honey, we're engaged.''

Tobias and I walk into the closet and close the door. We start kissing and before I know it Zeke is blowing a blow horn in our faces. It scares me so much I screech.

That probably woke up the entire Dauntless compound.

We walk back to our seats, ''Christina, truth or dare?'' Tobias asks Chris.

'Dare!'' she exclaims.

''I dare you to. . . play 7 minutes with Uri!'' Tobias says with and evil smile.

Christina looks at Uriah and he nods slightly. They both walk out to the closet and I set the alarm clock for 7 minutes later then it is now.

"So. . .Tris, are you single?'' Dan asks hopefully.

''Well, I'm pregnant so what do you think?'' I ask harshly.

"When is the wedding?'' Zeke asks me.

''Sometime after the baby is born, so probably in about 6 months.'' I say while rubbing my stomach.

Then 7 minutes is up so Uri and Christina come out of the room with messy hair and they are both smiling.

There is a knock on the door so Uriah gets up to check who it is.

''Tris! Caleb is here!'' he yells out.

"Really!?'' I screech and run to the door tackle Caleb in a bear hug.

''I missed you so much! Wanna play candor or dauntless with us?'' I ask him. He nods in response and sits across from me.

''Wait, you transferred from erudite?'' One of the initiates asked me.

I roll my eyes, ''No, we both transferred 3 years ago. And before you ask, I'm not telling you where we transferred from.''

''Let's get back to the game!'' Uriah screeches.

''Okay, Caleb, Candor or Dauntless?'' Christina asks Caleb.

''Candor.'' He says while adjusting his fake glasses.

''Why did you transfer?'' She asks curiously.

"Because I wanted to be able to be curious without getting in trouble, I always wanted to be able to express my knowledge with other people, and all information is free, we are able to know everything.'' Caleb says without hesitation.

"Be-, sorry Tris, Candor or Dauntless?''

''Dauntless.'' I say confidently. ''I dare you to. . . eat a whole dauntless cake by your self!'' he says while laughing.

I nod and Zeke runs out to get the cake.

(A/N: So just letting you know, Tris is 19 right now NOT 18!!!! Also, sorry for not updating. I will try more after finals, because they are coming up!}

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