Chapter 6

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Tris POV

I wake up to Tobias' goofy smile. "What?" i ask while giggleing. "Nothing" and his smile grows wider, "want to grap some breakfast? I think they have muffins today."

"Sure, just let me get dressed quickly," I quickly get changed and we walk out, as we walk I brush through my hair with my fingers. We walk through the doors and everyone at our table is smiling wide, so Tobias isnt the only one, they all seem exicited about something, I dont know what, but I think it's something big

We walk to the table with our trays and I cant keep it in longer I smile and say, "Why do you all have those goofy smiles?" I don't know who I should be expecting an answer from, but Christina quickly says, "Oh no reason," while laughing lightly. "Are you sure? Everyone seems to been all smiley today," Once I finish eatting I go to throw out my tray.

As I walk back their smiles are wider then before, when I sit down Tobias gets down on one knee and takes out a small velvet box from his pocket and says, "Beatrice, I can't imagine my life without you, you have made me the happiest man on earth, and it would be a honor of you becoming my beautiful wife, will you marry me?" by that time I am crying tears of joy, "Yes!" I cry out, Tobias slips the ring on my ring finger and he pulls me in for a kiss, warmth and energy runs through my body, "I love you, Tobias," I say between breaths. "I love you, too"

Everyone congradulates us except for Caleb, "Beatrice, can I speak to you for a moment? In private?" We get up and walk over to the other end of the hallway, we stop. "Are you sure you want to do this? He is so much older then you, and you have only known each other for a year."

My face is red with anger, "Of course I want to marry him! Why would you think I wouldn't? Who cares if he is older? I fell in love with him, and i'm sorry if you don't like him but this is my choice not yours. Nothing will change my mind about marrying Tobias." Before he can respond I walk away.

When I sit down everyone starts to leave, Caleb doesn't come back to the table he just walks back to the rooms with everyone else. Tobias and I walk back to his room and we talk and kiss, after a little while I fall asleep. I don't know how long I was asleep but I wake up some where else, I don't see Tobias.

When I try to get up I realise I can't, I scream, louder then I thought I could. Then someone walks in, David, "I thought you were dead, you got shot many times." I say, "What do you want?"

"I want revenge, I never actually lost my memory, i'm just a really good actor" he says. "Revenge? Revenge for what? Doing the right thing? Saving the entire city of Chicago?" at this point I dont know what I am, frightened? Worried? I don't know.

"I want revenge because you ruined it, ruined the experiment, I was going to start it over but you had to be a hero. I will get my revenge now" and thats the last thing I remember before everything goes dark.


I wake up not too long after falling asleep. I decide to get up and took for Tris, she isnt in my apartment, so where is she? I quickly change and look for her. I decide not to worry at first but after a hour of searching, I start to worry. I find Christina, "Have you seen Tris? I can't find her we feel asleep and when I woke up she wan't there, I've been looking around the compound the past hour."

It takes her a few seconds to reply but finally she replys, "No, I havent seen her, why don't you try looking at the security cameras in your room?" I didn't think about that, I thank Christna and quickly make my way toward the room and open the door, I quickly find the camera for our room 308A

I rewind to when Tris first falls asleep, once I fall asleep someone walks in a few minutes later, the face looks familiar, after a while of thinking, i realize who it is, my stomach sinks to my feet.


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