Chapter 7

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Tobias POV

It has been a week since Tris' capture, since the amity compound only has access to cameras here, I don't know where David went with Tris. So far we know they are out of Chicago, about a hour ago we sent out a group of guards to the Bureau to see if David and Tris are there. I hope Tris is okay, David tried to kill her once and her will most likely try again.

I remember he shot her since she resisted the death serum, he probably though that she took some of the resistance stuff. After about 10 minutes Christina comes in the room looking very happy, "They found Tris! They are in the basement of the Bureau and they are trying to convince David to hand her over, as of now he has her on gun point," he has her on gun point? He shot her once and im sure he would again, and this time, he would probably kill her. The thought makes me obviously shudder.

"He has her on gun point? How do you know all of this?" I say. "I know all of this because one of the guards hacked into the cameras in the basement, so we can see and hear them." she replies, "want to check it out?" I hesitate but I agree, we half walk half jog to the control room. When we get there David says through the monitors, "I'm not handing over Tris, if you shoot me I will shoot her and this time I am going to make sure she dies." Tears are filling my eyes but I push them back. No crying, not here.

"You have 5 seconds to hand over Tris or we will fire." No! If they fire David will shoot Tris, and she will be gone, forever. "5" They can't fire Tris will die "4" they better have a plan to keep Tris safe "3" they are risking Tris' safety "2" better turn around while I can "1" I hear 5 gun shots go off and a mans scream. I thought Tris was safe, but I was proven wrong, I heard a loud womans scream.

Yet again David shot Tris in the leg, three soliders are carrying Tris out to the truck and driving back, while the other two are staying behind to arrest David. Before I can finish watching what happens I run back to my room.


Pain is shooting up my leg, thank god the bullet wound isn't too bad but its bad enough to put me in the hospital, again. About 20 minutes later we arrive at the amity compound and the guards are carrying me to the hospital, my vision is starting to get spotty from the blood loss. I can make it, I can't, I will. I have survived much worse then this.

We walk into the hosptial, and I fall. My vision is getting more blurry, no i can't leave, I can't be done now. The guards pic me up and their foot steps are now fast.

The rest of the day passes in a blur, at the end of the day after all the rushing around Tobias is finally aloud to visit me.

"Hey, how long was I away?" I ask Tobias "About a week, what did he do to you? Your face is all bruised up and your thigh is swollen." I knew he was going to ask this.

" my leg, thats why its swollen, he knocked me out with a pan, he tied me to a chair and tased me until I gave him the answer he wanted," I really dont want to finish, but I will Tobias needs to know what happened. Before I can finish he asks, "What did he want to know?"

"He wanted to know how I managed to resist the death serum, no matter how many times I told him I didn't know he kept tasing me. Eventually, I fell unconsious for a while so he locked me...I'm not sure where," I answered.

"Wow, thats just, horrible. I have something that might cheer you up!" he says with a big smile, "dauntless cake!" I take the cake and quickly eat it, "That did make me feel better thank you, by the way how long am I going to be here?" I don't want to be here long, I want to be free, far away from injury. "I'm not sure I will ask be right back."

Tobias walks out and a few minutes later he comes back looking cheerful and says, "They said you can come out now but I have to stay with you at all time to make sure you don't fall. Want to go get dinner? Just me and you?" I smile wide "Don't you think I should probably get dressed into something nicer?" I say while looking down at what I have had on the past week.

"If you want but I think you look beautiful in your three week old clothes, besides nobody will notice," he replies smirking. "Lets go then, where are you going to take me?" I say smiling.

"Its a surprise, I think you will love it." I hate surprises but I smile and go with it anyways. Once we reach a certian hall way he covers my eyes and guides me down the hall way. He leads me through a door way "Open your eyes!" he says softly.

I open my eyes and see every one, Zeke, Peter, Cara, Caleb, Christina, Uriah, and Shauna. I squeal with joy, I am so happy to see every one again. After I say hello to every one I start to talk to Shauna, I haven't seen her in such a long time so we stand for a while and talk.

Tobias calls everyone over for dinner, we all start eatting the delicious meal the chefs have prepared for us and we all burst into conversation and laughter at the same time as if it was planned.

I feel free, I finally have a small bit of my life back. I hope it stays this way forever, but I know thats not possible.

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