Chapter 23

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Tobias POV

Zeke comes back with a full sized Dauntless cake and places it in front of Tris.

Everyone is giggling at the fact she is about to devour a giant Dauntless cake all to her self.

Before she can take a bite her face contorts in pain and then she groans, while clutching at her stomach.

''Hurts.'' She mumbles while pointing to her stomach, indicating that her stomach is what's hurting.

''We will see you guys tomorrow, I'm bringing her to the infirmary!'' I yell.

Everyone nods then I scoop her up and carry her to the infirmary. I run to the front desk and explain what happened to Tris, ''We were playing Candor or Dauntless and then she just said her stomach was cramping up really bad.''

The nurse quickly nods, and a few minutes later comes back with a doctor and gurney.

I gently place Tris on the gurney and follow the doctor to a room. Since it was her stomach that was hurting.

The doctor pulls out the stuff to check on Avery, the instructs Tris to lift up her shirt so her stomach shows.

The doctor rubs a jell onto her stomach then uses a stick-like thing to see the baby.

I see the doctor frown and gaze at us with pity.

''What's wrong?'' I ask with my voice wavering.

She looks at Tris and I again then takes a deep breath and says, ''I'm sorry, but you have had a miscarriage. You will need to stay overnight so I can get the baby out.''

Then she walks out leaving us alone. I look at Tris with my tear filled eyes the embrace her with a hug while she sobs onto my shoulder.

Tris pulls away and whispers, ''I love you, thank you for always being here for me. Maybe it just was a sign that we should wait longer for a baby.''

I nod my head in agreement then embrace her in a hug again then whisper, ''I love you, too.''


1.) omg okay sorry for not updating.

2.) sorry about having it be a miscarriage, I just don't want them

to have babies until the end of the story😭

3.) HUGE plot twists ahead;)

4.) I ship fourtris fourever, so I will never break them up <4

5.) this is just a filler chapter so it sucks sorry


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