Chapter 8

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Tris POV

Once its time for everyone to leave I am nearly half asleep, when Tobias and I walk back to his room I have to lean on his shoulder to keep my balance. "I'm so tired I'm surprised I didn't fall asleep in my food," I say with a light laugh. "I love life this way, me and you, friends, its peaceful, I hope it could stay this way forever," he replies.

I nod my head in agreement and we walk in silence until we reach reach our room, "I have something for you, since we never have done anything just us since I proposed maybe we can watch a movie together?" A movie sounds nice, I don't remember the last time I saw a movie that I will enjoy.

"Which movie?" I say with curiousity. "I'm not sure, comedy or romance?" Thats a hard choice, I love comedy, but I have never seen a romance. "How about a comedy and a romance?" I answer smiling a little. He nods and flips through a big book full of disks and takes out a movie and puts it in the DVD player. I have never seen a DVD player but they are so interesting, you can put a disk in and it will play something almost instantly.

"Which movie is this?" I'm not only asking to get a converstation going but because I'm curious, as usual. "It's a surprise," he answers smirking. He knows I don't like surprises but I just wait, after a few minutes the movie loads and Tobias walks over and lays next to me. The movie starts and it starts off very interesting, two people are hanging out and they kiss. I realise thats want me and Tobias must look like when we kiss, that must be why Christina always looks away and pretends to puke. The thought makes me giggle, "What?" Tobias says and I blush.

"Nothing," and before I can finish my sentence he pulls me in for a kiss, warmth races through my body, I am so familiar with this feeling. He kisses me with love and passion, I can't imagine how my life would be without him. We lay there and kiss for a few minutes until Christina walks in, "Ew! Next time warn me when your about to do it!" I blush and quickly say, "We weren't about to 'do it', what's up?" She gestures me toward her so I get up and she whispers in my ear, "Uriah asked me out and I want you to help me pick a dress for tomorrow,"

"Uriah asked you out?!" I say a little louded then I meant to. "Tris! I only meant to tell you!" I can't help it but I laugh. "Sorry, I'm just excited for you, and I'm sure Tobias won't tell anyone. Anyways, people are going to find out eventually!" Christina nods her head and waves goodbye, I wave back and walk over to Tobias and lay back down. We finish watching the movie and when its over I notice Tobias is asleep, so I turn off the tv and lights and try to fall asleep. I have been laying down for a hour and I can't sleeps so I slide out of Tobias's arms, slide on slippers and walk out.

Something doesn't seem right, I walk over to Caleb's room to see that the door is wide open and stuff is scattered around the room. I decide to check where he has been spemding alot of time at, the doctors lab. I quickly walk over and see him standing by the banister, as I walk closer I hear a light sob and a figure climbing over the railing, I hear him whisper something to himself, "I love you, Tris. I'm sorry I abandoned you, I'm sorry I questioned you marrying Tobias. This is for you, Mom, Dad, and Tris," by this time I'm running over to make sure he doesn't jump.

Right as he is lifting his left leg over the railing I have grapped his arm, "Caleb, what are you doing?" he turns over and looks at me, his eyes are red and puffy from crying. "Caleb answer me," he opens his mouth to talk but all that comes out is a sob. "There is no other way, you haven't forgiven me obviously and I just don't want to live knowing that I left you and you won't forgive me." he says in between sobs.

"Who says I didn't forgive you?" at this point I'm crying too. "Why do you think I didn't forgive you? Why would you think jumping would make it better?" I help him over the railing and walk him back to his room

"It's the way you look at me, during the rare times you do look at me," he answers "and if I jumped I wouldn't have to live with the guilt, the guilt
abandoning my little sister."

"Caleb, I forgived you a long time ago." I say, "if I never forgived you do you think I would have gone to the weapons lab insted of you?" I can't help it but I cry.

"Okay. Just go back to your room and sleep I will stay here promise." he says with a smile but a pained look in his eyes. "Okay, I heard what you said before I walked over to you, I love you too," I walk out and close the door behind me, when I get back to my room and I see that Tobias is awake. "Is everything okay? I woke up and saw you were gone." he looks worried but I just say, "Everything is fine, I couldn't sleep so I just went on a walk. Also. . .I saw Caleb by the banister. He almost jumped but I stopped him before he did," a tear runs down my cheek and Tobias gets up and embraces me.

"Its okay, you saved him before he jumped, we can talk more about it tomorrow if you want its getting late." I nod while I take off my slippers and get back into bed. "I love you, Tobias"

"I love you, too" he kisses my cheek and sleep overwhelms up both.

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