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"I know I'm emotionally unstable but it seems that we all are we seem to love the people that hurts us the most and we ask why are we so attached when I just get hurt all the time well you have to understand that a sad soul wants company and will try anything to get its company sounds more like we're vulnerable when at the state to have a nervous breakdown and it's sad when no one knows"

A week had passed and I was not on speaking terms with Jenna she says he was high and drunk and that she pulled away but that's not why I'm upset I'm frustrated that she wouldn't even tell me we're best friends that's my man if you know something you need to tell me I was worried about him but that was only halfway why I was filled with anger what if he really did love her he walked through the front door and put his keys on the coffee table before he approached me and gave me a kiss on my cheek

"Hey baby" he seemed to be rushing like he had somewhere to be but he had just came back home he was going upstairs so since he was home I thought it would be the time to ask him "Hey Jordan come here please" he walked downstairs with a weird look on his face and he rolled his eyes when he knew this was probably going to turn in to a argument "What's on yo mind?" I breathed in slow awaiting his answer might be

"Are you in love with Jenna?" He looked at me and started laughing in my face like shit was funny this isn't no funny shit I'm not sure what he thinks is funny "Am I in love with Jenna? Where is this coming from? *laughs*" I gulped to see if he would lie about the kiss they had "I know about the kiss"

He soon got quite "damn" he said that under his breath I soon crossed my arms waiting for his next move "Yeah we kissed but it really wasn't nothing I was in a bad place I didn't want her to tell you cause we was already going through it" I squinted my eyes at him to see if he was lying but it seemed like he was telling the truth

I left the kitchen and got my keys "Where you going Diamond?" "I need to apologize to my best friend" I shut the door behind me and was driving to Jenna house well I was speeding with tears down my face I finally reached her and knocked on her door "Diamond?" "I'm sorry Jenna" "I'm sorry to"

"I'm sorry to" she drove all the way over to say sorry we was both crying at this point me and Diamond are very emotional we fight then make up by crying we looked at each other and started laughing she sat on my couch and we just started talking

"Where my babies at man?"

"They with August mom she wanted to see them"

"How are things with August?"

"Worse than ever"

"What happened now?"

"He found out about the abortion"

"Oh.. he shouldn't judge you he didn't know what was going on with you at the time he don't even know what happened to you"

I looked down no ones knows what happened to me while I was on the run for August it was terrible trying to get the image out of my head but it never seems to leave "You ever think about seeing a psychologist?" "To be real I do all the but my kids" "Just go once we can go right now if you don't like it you don't have to go again"

"Okay" we drove this place I never been before it was in a plaza and I sat waiting while Diamond checked me in or something she sat back down and sighed "When you go back there please don't hold it back" "You're not coming?" "Nope I need you to be healed and get it out your system tell them everything"


I stood up and went with the lady in the back she showed me to this room I sat in there and a biracial women came in with a smile on her face her hair was in a neat bun and she was wearing glasses with a note pad in her hands "Hey Jenna you can call me Kate if you want" "Hello" "Are you nervous Jenna?" "Very" "This is a safe place what ever you say stays between me and you nothing will happen" "Okay" "So do you mind telling me about your life?"Not at all"

She clicked her pen and told me to begin so I started all the way from the start of my first days in Compton "When I moved down here I was only 6 probably my dad was a drug dealer and he was just starting out when we moved here my uncle used to watch me when my dad went to do a drop and one night and my uncle was getting drunk he molested me and i didn't know what was going on until I turned 12 he told me we was playing a game my dad soon found out and killed him right in front of me he didn't let me leave the house for a whole year and that brings me to when I turned 16 I met this boy name August we didn't even like each other when we first met he was a nigga that had all the hoes he had a girlfriend name Morgen and she hated me from the start I went to bed this party me and him got close but she thought it was appropriate to fight over him and I got arrested that night and me and him was back to square 1 hating each other but my best friend Diamond was there to bail me out I had a few fights here and there I began to kindle a relationship with August even though he was drug dealer working for my dad but turns he was messing with me for money from my ex best friend Leeya who I knew since I was in 6 grade after finding this out I broke things off with August and left Compton for a month to clear my head I almost forgot to mention my mom wasn't in my life she actually came during my age of being 16 a month later I came back and I had forgave August even after what he did he was back with Morgan Diamond had said he was waiting for me to come back I doubted that soon my crazy ex and Leeya kid napped me and Um. My ex James had raped me and beat me 2 days in a row August and my dad and other drug dealers came to save me this was the time my dad was the king pin weeks later me and August was back together and some man broke into our house and raped me we think he worked for James since he said he was coming back to get me then I got raped that's a coincidence huh yeah okay but Alex is a friend of August he got a girlfriend name Logan and she got obsessed with August and jumped my other best friend Destiny"

"And this is all while you're 16?"

"I was 17 by then but I found out I was pregnant around that time and August was the father I was having twins The boys name is Markel and his sister name is Danielle me and August was going to get married but he got in a wreck and fell into the ocean police informed us that he passed but truly he was in prison for killing James once he got out he came to see me and I was engaged to his former friend Twist that night when he got out August killed Twist in front of me since Twist tried to kill August me and August was doing good until he was in a state"

"What do you mean by state?"

"He was drinking heavy and he kicked me out and was rough I found out he was cheating I was on the run hiding from him for almost a year and he never bothered to see the kids but I ran into him at McDonald's and the kids was so happy to see him but he wasn't happy to see me we tried to fix it but it wouldn't be right to much pain was already done while on the run from August I ran into James and he made me his sex slave for a whole week until he left his strap alone so I took it and shot him in the head 3 times so I would be free me and August started co parenting and I let him get the kids for half a month when I went to pick them up I spoke to his mother when August kicked me out a 2 months later I found out I was pregnant I had an abortion I told his mother but August was standing right there and choked me for killing his un born child I gasped for air if his mother wasn't there I would be dead, August was my first love the first person I really actually gave myself to my first fiancé and baby daddy but it seems that now he is my number one enemy"

"Wow I'm just amazed how you're still holding up"

"Thank you Kate"

"It seems we ran out of time if you would like to come back you can make an appointment next week"

"Yes pleas"

"Is next Thursday okay?"


"Nice meeting you Jenna"

"The feeling is mutual"

Are y'all still feeling this book? I feel like y'all don't like it 😭anymore tell me if it's boring so I can change that guys but love y'all goodnight

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