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(adj.) in a light-hearted mood


TESSA COULDN'T STOP SQUIRMING IN EXCITEMENT. It was finally September first which meant it was time to go to Hogwarts and she couldn't have been more enthusiastic than she was at the moment. Her uncle had brought her to King's Cross where she would take the eleven o'clock train from platform nine and three-quarters. However, just as they arrived in the station, an emergency in her uncle's work came up and left Kasi no choice but to leave her be.

"Between nine and ten," was the last thing he told her before reeling her in for a large hug and a kiss on her forehead. He pulled her away to gaze fondly at her, "Your mother would be very proud to see you right now. Owl me when you can." He reached over between the bars of the cage and stroked Tommy, the family owl's beak then left, disappearing amidst the crowd.

Tessa let out a large breath before dragging her trunk and started strolling through the station in search for the platform. She had just reached platform nine when someone's voice called her from behind, "Tessa, is that you?"

     Tessa swivelled around and came face to face with a plump, red-haired woman along with four boys all with the same hair and a little girl. A smile broke out into her face. "Mrs. Weasley!" She let go of her trunk as the woman wrapped her in a hug.

"Oh, dear, have you grown. Beautiful, you are." Molly reached up to pat her on the cheek, making Tessa's heart warm. She's known Molly through her uncle who said that her mother used to be best friends with Molly's twin brothers. The last time she saw Molly was probably five years ago. "Boys, say hi to Tessa." She gently nudged the younger girl to her four sons behind her.

"Hello," they all greeted her in unison while Tessa's eyes fell on a pair of twins whose eyes were glinting as they grinned at her.

"That's Percy — " Molly pointed at the oldest with a straight and stern expression, " — Fred and George — " she gestured at the twins who waved simultaneously at her, " — Ron — " she pointed at the youngest of her sons who was tall, thin and gangling, with freckles, " — and Ginny." A girl probably a year or two younger than her shyly smiled up at her. Molly then pushed them all along, worried that they might miss the train. "Now, what's the platform number?"

"Nine and three-quarters!" Ginny exclaimed, "Mum, can't I go?"

Tessa smiled at what she said as Molly told her, "You're not old enough, Ginny, now be quiet. All right, Percy, you go first."

     Tessa kept her eyes wide as she watched the boy march right into the barrier between platforms nine and ten. Suddenly, she became worried. What if the wall closed on her?

Molly turned. "Fred, you next."

Tessa looked at the twin who spoke, they were rather adorable. "I'm not Fred. I'm George!" he exclaimed at Molly. "Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother? Can't you tell I'm George?"

"Sorry, George, dear."

"Only joking, I am Fred." He rushed forward with his trunk, stopping to squeeze Tessa's shoulder with a wink. "See you in the train, Tess."

George gave her a wink as well, chuckling at their mother before speeding through the barrier after his twin.

"Tessa, if you please," Molly said as the girl nodded and started to walk towards the wall when a familiar voice spoke up.

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