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(n.) the extraordinary sense upon first meeting someone that you will one day fall in love

NOBODY WAS LOOKING FORWARD FOR THE NEXT MORNING, AS IT WAS THE END OF THE SUMMER. Tessa was yawning endlessly as she got dressed, listening to the soothing fall of the rain outside. She had just greeted the twins, Ron, and Harry a good morning upon arriving downstairs for breakfast, when Molly appeared with an alarmed expression.

     "Arthur!" she called up the staircase. "Arthur! Urgent message from the Ministry!"

No less than five seconds, Arthur came hurtling past them and towards the fire where Amos Diggory's head was protruding out of. Harry looked completely appalled at the sight as Tessa laughed softly, almost forgetting that they didn't do this in the Muggle world.

She shifted her attention back to Amos who was talking very swiftly, "Muggle neighbors heard bangs and shouting, so they went and called those what-d'you-call-'ems — please-men. Arthur, you've got to get over there, it's a real stroke of luck I heard about it. I had to come into the office early to send a couple of owls, and I found the Improper Use of Magic lot all setting off — if Rita Skeeter gets hold of this one, Arthur —"

"What does Mad-Eye say happened?" Arthur asked, a quill and parchment in hand.

Amos rolled his eyes. "Says he heard an intruder in his yard. Says he was creeping toward the house, but was ambushed by his dustbins."

"What did the dustbins do?"

"Made one hell of a noise and fired rubbish everywhere, as far as I can tell. Apparently one of them was still rocketing around when the please-men turned up —"

"And what about the intruder?"

"Arthur, you know Mad-Eye. Someone creeping into his yard in the dead of night? More likely there's a very shell-shocked cat wandering around somewhere, covered in potato peelings. But if the Improper Use of Magic lot get their hands on Mad-Eye, he's had it — think of his record — we've got to get him off on a minor charge, something in your department — what are exploding dustbins worth?"

"Might be a caution," Arthur said, still hunched over and scribbling something. "Mad-Eye didn't use his wand? He didn't actually attack anyone?"

"I'll bet he leapt out of bed and started jinxing everything he could reach through the window, but they'll have a job proving it, there aren't any casualties."

"All right, I'm off," Arthur said, stuffing the parchment into his pocket and walking away from the fire.

Amos looked around before turning to Molly. "Sorry about this, Molly — bothering you so early and everything . . . but Arthur's the only one who can get Mad-Eye off, and Mad-Eye's supposed to be starting his new job today. Why he had to choose last night . . ."

"Never mind, Amos," Molly said kindly. "Sure you won't have a bit of toast or anything before you go?"

     "Oh go on, then," Amos said as Molly took a piece of toast from the table, and used the fire tongs to transfer it into his mouth. "Fanks," he muffled through the bread before vanishing with a pop.

     Tessa slid next to her mother who prepared a plate for her and her brother as Arthur said goodbye to everyone.

     "I'd better hurry — you have a good term, boys — Tessa," Arthur said as he fastened his cloak. "Molly, are you going to be all right taking the kids to King's Cross?"

     "Of course I will," she said. "You just look after Mad-Eye, we'll be fine."

     Arthur turned to Catherine and wished her luck before Disapparating. Tessa, the nosy child she is, turned to her mother with wide, inquisitive eyes. Catherine snorted and flicked her daughter's nose. "Eat your breakfast, you curious cat."

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