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(adj.) reserved and shy

TESSA FROWNED AT THE PEOPLE AROUND HER. They were all talking loudly amongst each other about Harry—and oddly enough, her.

     "There, look."


     "Between the tall kid with the red hair and the annoyed looking girl with black hair."

     "Wearing the glasses?"

     "Did you see his face?"

     "Did you see his scar?"

     "Did you see Tessa Valentine?"

     "Do you think she can fly as well?"

     "I forgot—what happened to her mum?"

     Everywhere Tessa and the two boys would go, stares and whispers followed them. It was fine at first, but then it turned irritating. Tessa just wished they'd all stop and leave them alone. It was difficult enough, what with all the complicated staircases.

     She had classes of all sorts and Tessa found them entertaining. She's done her best not to cause any trouble, but it was rather hard every time she's with the Weasley twins. If she wasn't with Ron and Harry, she was with Fred and George. Tessa didn't mind—she was used to being around boys. At home, she lived with her uncle and would hang around Philip.

     Her first Transfiguration class was unforgettable. Tessa had arrived to class early for once in her life—something Harry and Ron would be surprised to find out about—and found a seat next to Hermione. Draco Malfoy and his two goons had sneered at her and she shot them a look right back, her eyebrow raising haughtily at them. McGonagall made them work quietly, some writings from the book to a parchment as she walked around us silently. She had transformed into a tabby cat in a while, leaping onto the desk to perch on it. Tessa had gaped momentarily, amazed at the Animagus.

     She was in the midst of writing, an elbow propped on the table with her cheek on her head. Her head was lolling to the side as sleep nearly overtook her when the doors bursted open. Tessa jolted in her seat and swiveled along with several students to find Harry and Ron sprinting to where the desks were.

     "Whew!" Ron panted. "We made it. Imagine the look on old McGonagall's face if we were late?"

     Tessa coughed to hide her laugh as Hermione rolled her eyes next to her. Suddenly, McGonagall as a cat hopped off the desk and transformed to her human self. Ron and Harry openly gaped at the professor.

     "That was bloody brilliant!" said Ron.

     "Thank you for that assessment Mr. Weasley," McGonagall said stiffly. "Perhaps it would be more useful if I transfigured Mr. Potter and yourself into a pocket watch. That way one of you might be on time."

     Tessa couldn't help but to raise her hand while saying, "Don't worry, Professor. I'm getting Harry a watch this Christmas."

     An unreadable look crossed McGonagall's face, but she said nothing to Tessa's statement. She was surprised she wasn't reprimanded as Tessa slowly brought her hand back down.

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