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(n.) the colors or 'stars' you see when you rub your eyes

TESSA WAS SHIVERING FROM THE COLD NIGHT AIR. There was nothing — absolutely nothing — that she was looking forward to in the events that were about to unfurl tonight. After nearly a year of mending the Cabinet and the attempted assassinations — today was finally the day everything would go down to hell.

"Tessa," came Draco's soft voice as he lifted her chin up to make her look away from the Cabinet for a moment. "Tessie, look at me."

"Draco, I'm scared," she whispered, fingers reaching up to cling onto his shirt as her eyes stung with tears. "I'm so scared — and I don't know what to — "

"I know," he said, drawing her into him as he enveloped her tightly in an embrace. His own breath staggering out of him, he pressed a lingering kiss on the crown of her head. "I know."

When Tessa pulled away, she asked softly, "What happens after all this? I — I don't know if I can face my family ever again."

Draco slipped his hands to cup her face, silver eyes searching hers. "Yes, you can. You tell them how you had no part of this, and that none of this was your fault. Tell them the truth of how you were a pawn in his game, and that you — you had no choice." When she started to cry, he leaned over and kissed her tears away, saltiness coating his lips. "Tell them you did it to protect them."

"And if they won't forgive me?" she dared herself to ask the unavoidable possibility.

He caressed his thumb over her cheek one. "Then I'll come back and find you. We're in this together, remember? You and me — from now until the end." He reached a hand up between them and she hooked her pinky around his.

She stood on her tiptoes, pressing her lips firmly against his — there was nothing sweet or heartwarming in that moment.

Nothing but the bitter taste of tragedy between two souls who had no choice.

ϟ ϟ ϟ ϟ

     Draco silently crept up the stairs of the Astronomy Tower with his wand at hand. By now, Tessa should have escaped and hid somewhere away from the Death Eaters that had entered through the Vanishing Cabinet — if all goes accordingly to plan.

     Bursting through the door, Draco waved his wand and cried out, "Expelliarmus!" He watched in frightened triumph as Dumbledore's wand flew out of the tower. Breathing raggedly, Draco slowly stepped further inside the Tower — the same Astronomy Tower he had spent years gazing at the stars with Tessa.

     They would never be able to look at this place the same way ever again.

     Dumbledore calmly leaned against the ramparts and regarded him. "Good evening, Draco."

     Draco's eyes fell on the second broom next to the Headmaster's. "Who else is here?"

     "A question I might ask you. Or are you acting alone?"

     Draco's heart stopped for a moment, eyes shifting to the greenish glow of the Dark Mark in the sky. "No," he said. "I've got backup. There are Death Eaters here in your school tonight."

     "And Miss P — ?"

     "No," Draco cut in harshly before Dumbledore could finish that question. "She's not part of this at all."

     Dumbledore paused to assess the fear flickering in Draco's pale face. "Well, well," he said. "Very good indeed. You found a way to let them in, did you?"

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