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(adj.) not that smart in one area, but good at everything else

IT TOOK TESSA A COUPLE OF MINUTES TO REGISTER IN HER HEAD THAT SEBASTIAN ELLIOTT WAS IN FRONT OF HER. Blinking profusely, she wiped rainwater off her face as she took a step forward to him in hopes she wasn't actually hallucinating.

"What the fuck?" Tessa blurted out, still confused when she realized the three-hundred-year-old male was still standing before her.

"Ron? Tessa?" Hermione was shouting as she walked out of the tent, halting by the threshold when she found Tessa and Sebastian standing several feet away from her.

"Hello, Hermione Granger," Sebastian greeted politely, moving past Tessa to walk toward the tent and take cover from the rain. "Hello, Harry Potter," he added when he saw the bespectacled boy inside.

Tessa was still shaking her head dumbfoundedly as she wandered after him inside the warmth of the tent. "Bash, what're you doing here?" she asked bewilderedly, using a drying spell on herself and on Sebastian.

"How did you find us?" Harry questioned as they all crowded over to sit by the table.

"I'll make some tea," Hermione mumbled, going over to the kettle as she constantly checked over her shoulder if Ron would appear again.

"I have excellent tracking skills," Sebastian said, eyes flickering to Tessa. "And because I just had to follow the direction where my body hurt less."

Tessa pondered on that for a moment, remembering how he lived his whole life in pain until he found her visiting Greece. "So what are you doing here, then?"

"The Elders of Ab Herede Tanwen have summoned me — they want me to return to Romania," he explained. "I know I said my brother was captured by Death Eaters, and I intend on finding for him, but I wasn't completely honest about him — thank you." Sebastian graciously accepted the mug of hot tea Hermione handed him as he avoided their eyes, settling on staring at the table. "Nikolai isn't my brother by blood — I met him in Romania several years ago where I raised him as though he were my own blood. Seeing as how we aren't truly related, the Elders didn't see any reason for me to stay and retrieve him while I left my people abandoned."

     "But he's practically family to you," Harry reasoned. "I'm sure you can find a way to go against their orders."

     Sebastian shook his head, impatiently pushing a lock of brown hair away from his eyes. "It doesn't work that way. Though I am leader of my clan and coven, there are people of higher rank that keeps order and peace and make sure I lead fairly. The only ones who have power over me are the Elders and those who are in direct affinity with the Great Sorcerers themselves. Besides," he added, "Nikolai and I have already agreed amongst ourselves as leaders that before we are brothers, we have a people to look out for."

     "So you're going back to Romania?" Hermione asked, nodding toward what he was wearing. "Is that why you're dressed like that?"

     "Oh, yes," Sebastian said with an agreeing nod. "Fighting leathers are most encouraged as proper attire. It allows ease in movement and protection whenever and wherever. It's more commonly used over wizard robes."

     Tessa was absentmindedly playing with the chain of the locket Ron left behind on the table. She looked over at Sebastian and said, "Will you come back? After returning to Romania?"

     He cut his eyes back to her, expression softening slightly as he replied, "I don't think I can. This might very well be the last time I'll see you, néos drakaina. That's why I chose to find you first — in hopes to stay for a few days and make sure you're doing all right before I return to Romania for good."

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