61 | IBRAT

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(n.) an incident that teaches us a lesson

DRACO WAS TERRIFIED. His breaths were short and ragged, his fists were clenched at the sides, and his stomach plunged to his feet. He kept his eyes fixed on the one in front of him — not looking away at all so he could see the desperation in him.

"If you let her go," Draco said with his voice shaking, "I will be your vessel in performing the task you ask of me to do. I will accept the duties of a Death Eater and become your loyal follower. I — I will allow the brandish of the Dark Mark to imprint onto my arm." He steadied his breathing for a second, letting his mind reel over the fact that he was doing this for her. "Only . . . if you release her from your initial bargain."

     The Dark Lord said nothing as he paced the floor before Draco in slow gaits. A cold, cruel laughter escaped him as he clasped his hands behind him — taking utmost delight in the destruction of two children who had come begging to him to save the other as they willingly sacrificed their own selves.

     "And what," Voldemort's voice was nothing short of the demise it promised, "do you think would make me prefer you, son of the man who failed to retrieve me the prophecy, over the heir of the great Merlin whose magic will reign over us all?"

     Draco whispered, "Because you want your enemy to finally be defeated. You want Albus Dumbledore killed."

Voldemort hissed in fury at the mention of his name, but a wicked sort of delectation overcame his snakelike features as he laughed. Draco didn't move a muscle, still standing stiffly as the Dark Lord approached him with his red eyes narrowed to slits. "Unlike your father," he cooed as though talking to a child, "you're much more clever than you appear to be. And braver than you seem to be."

Draco swallowed, the gnawing inside him worsening. He wouldn't let her be taken from him again — he wouldn't let her give away her life when there was still so much worth living for.

"Tell me, Draco, why should I choose you to carry out my task? I have plenty of others more willing to do it — Bella was rather insistent I let her."

     In a trembling voice, he quietly said, "Because I'm just a boy who doesn't matter in your vision of a perfect world. Compared to Aunt Bella — to all your followers, my life means nothing to you. I'm expendable. That's why you'll choose me — because if I end up dying, it wouldn't matter to you."

     Voldemort's thin lips stretched into a a nefarious smile. "Very clever indeed, Draco Malfoy. Very, very clever."

ϟ ϟ ϟ ϟ

     Tessa yelped when Philip pulled her into a headlock, rubbing his knuckles against the top of her head. "Stop it, you git!" she shouted and struggled in his arms to try and drop kick him.

     He only bellowed out laughing before he resorted to throwing her over his shoulder like a rag doll and spinning around. "You're going to miss me, Tessie!"

     "No, I won't! Not if you keep this up, you big buffoon!"

     "Well, that's not very nice," Catherine chided lightly as she entered the living room with Tessa's trunk and Tommy's cage.

     "I'm not nice to people who throw me over their shoulders," Tessa huffed as Philip finally put her down.

     A sly grin spread across his face. "You're nice to Draco Malfoy, and I'm pretty sure you lot do more than — "

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