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(n.) the small, precise details that make one unique; the finer points and subtleties

TESSA DIDN'T WANT TO LET GO OF PHILIP — NEITHER DID HE. Eventually, he carefully unwinded her arms around him as he grinned at her. "Surprise!"

     Tessa was laughing and shaking her head in disbelief. "How? What are you doing here? I — I have no idea what to say."

     Philip shrugged, throwing her a teasing wink. "You said you wanted to see me for your birthday — belated Happy Birthday!"

     She playfully punched his arm. "Well, I didn't think you'd actually do it! But how did you get to go with them? Don't you have to be seventeen?"

     "Perks of being friends with Viktor Krum," Philip said, throwing an arm around her, only to frown slightly. "Tessie, why the hell are you so cold? Here," he shrugged off his own coat and draped her in it before wrapping his arm around her again. "Come on."

     Tessa couldn't stop smiling as she put her arm around his waist and kept hugging him while they walked inside the castle. This year was definitely going to be her favorite, now that her best friend was here with her.

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Draco was scowling murderously at the pair, arms crossed haughtily as they embraced and laughed together. Something ugly bubbled in the pit of his stomach, not liking a single second of what was happening. Somebody approached him and sidled close by, also staring hard at the duo. "Who the hell is that?" Fred asked Draco, his voice low.

Draco huffed, narrowing his eyes at the Durmstrang boy who put his coat over Tessa. "I believe that's Philip Williamson."

Fred snorted, copying Draco's crossed-arms stance. "She talks about him a lot, but this is the first time I'm actually seeing him."

Draco shifted his gray eyes to Fred as he hissed, "Looks like there's another one to look out for, Weasley."

Fred chuckled darkly, stepping away from Draco. "Careful, Malfoy — wouldn't want Father dearest to find out about how you really feel about her now, would you?"

Draco snarled at him, but Fred had already walked away from him. He turned to stare at Tessa and Philip once more as Theo came over and slung an arm around him. "Stop glaring at them, you git. Let the girl enjoy her time with her best friend, now come on."

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Even though Beauxbatons sat with Ravenclaw and Durmstrang sat with Slytherin, Philip chose to sit right next to Tessa as she introduced him to her other friends (Hermione had already met Philip during the summer of last year when she visited Tessa's manor). Fred didn't seem to be in a good mood, but he had nodded and acted politely to him. Philip had also caught sight of Catherine sitting up at the staff table, and had happily beamed and waved at her as well. It made Tessa's heart swell with pride in how everyone loved Philip.

She looked toward the Slytherin table to where Draco say directly across of her, but he seemed to avoiding her gaze. He had an expression of irritation etched into his features as he listened in to what Theo and Blaise were saying to Krum and his friends. Tessa had hoped Draco could be friends with Philip, but he also didn't seem to be in a good mood either.

     "I'm really glad you're here," Tessa whispered when no one else was paying attention. She smiled up at Philip, taking in his ebony hair, sapphire eyes, and handsome features. "I really, really am."

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