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(n.) the mysterious power of art to deeply move a person; heightened sense of passion

TESSA DID NOT EXPECT THOSE WORDS TO GREET HER WHEN SHE ARRIVED IN THE COMMON ROOM. She had to sit down for a minute to process what Hermione said, as well as her memories that resurfaced on Malfoy telling her he tried his best on stopping his father from making the issue with Buckbeak any bigger.

"He sent me this," Hermione said, holding out the letter from Hagrid.

Harry took it and smoothed it for the three of them to read.

Dear Hermione,

We lost. I'm allowed to bring him back to Hogwarts. Execution date to be fixed. Beaky has enjoyed London.

I won't forget all the help you gave us.

"They can't do this," Harry protested. "They can't. Buckbeak isn't dangerous."

"Malfoy's dad's frightened the Committee into it," Hermione said, wiping her eyes. "You know what he's like. They're a bunch of doddery old fools, and they were scared. There'll be an appeal, though, there always is. Only I can't see any hope . . . Nothing will have changed."

"Yeah, it will," Ron said fiercely. "You won't have to do all the work alone this time, Hermione. I'll help."

"Oh, Ron!" Hermione leaped forward to embrace Ron who coughed, looking rather terrified at the sudden contact. She pulled back and said, "Ron, I'm really, really sorry about Scabbers . . . "

"Oh — well — he was old. And he was a bit useless. You never know, Mum and Dad might get me an owl now."

Tessa cleared her throat, deciding this was the best time to talk. "Listen — I know I'm not your favorite person to listen to. But please believe me when I say that Malfoy honestly didn't expect this to get even bigger than intended. All he did was inform his father that he got hurt — Lucius obviously blew things out of perspective." Upon seeing Ron open his mouth, she quickly went on talking, "I've spoken to him already about this, and he said it himself that he's tried to talk his father out of it. But he wouldn't listen."

Harry crossed his arms, completely opposed to what Tessa had just said. "Did it ever occur to you that he's lying?"

Tessa frowned slightly. "I know he's not been that great or nice of a friend to us since our first year. I know that he's been rude and cruel and wicked, but — but I know him. I understand why he is the way he is . . . It's hard for me to explain it, but he's . . . a nice person." Tessa felt her lips curl up to a small smile, thinking to their conversations and secret meetings late at night in their closet. "If the lot of you try to pay attention, you'll see how he's honestly trying these days to change."

Ron rolled his eyes, stood up, and made his way to the stairs. "Tessa, you're my best friend and I love you — but to think Draco Malfoy has nothing to do with this is the one thing I'll never believe. Good night," he said before disappearing upstairs.

Tessa turned to Hermione who gave her a weak smile. "I'm sorry, Tessa — it's not something I would fall for either. Malfoy isn't a saint, and we all know that. I'll meet you upstairs in our room."

As soon as she walked up, Tessa faced Harry. Her mind was in chaos as she sent him a pleading look. "Harry — you . . . you believe me . . . right?"

Harry sighed, taking her cold, shaky hands in his and giving them a squeeze. "I'm sorry — "

Tessa shook her head and pulled her hands away from him. "If not Hermione or Ron, I would've thought that maybe you would believe me."

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