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PHILIP WILLIAMSON AND THEODORE NOTT WERE TWO IMBECILES WHO HAD A BET ON WHAT TESSA WOULD TALK ABOUT WHEN DRUNK. And so Philip invited the newlyweds Tessa and Draco, and Theo to come over his house to drink in celebration for Theo's new job.

     Technically, Theo had already gotten the job last week in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. His starting position was to go over laws and statements being written before it was passed and signed to become an official decree. He also read through complains and lawsuits that would require of him to speak to clients and such. It was a tedious job that he badly needed an assistant for, but it paid good money and he enjoyed it.

     Besides, he got to see Tessa often as well since they both worked at Level 2 of the Ministry of Magic. The only difference was their ranks and positions at work — he worked in the office as a lawyer while she presided over the entire Wizengamot as Chief Witch.

"I can't believe you two are really going to put yourselves in this," Draco tutted, shaking his head as he warily watched Philip slide another bottle over to Tessa.

"It shouldn't be that bad," Theo said, waving a dismissive hand as he tipped his head back to down the remnants of his glass of bourbon. He's always been a fancy drinker, not one for the likes of bottled Firewhisky.

"Yeah," Philip agreed, rolling his wheelchair away from them to grab more bottles he'd stashed in his liquor cabinet. "I mean — that's her seventh bottle, and she's barely even tipsy."

Draco sighed, eyes still fixed on his wife who was tilting the bottle and chugging it down like it was butterbeer. "She's a heavyweight, but you lot have no idea the hell that breaks loose once she finally gets drunk."

Tessa slammed the bottle down, roughly wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "Another one!"

Her husband clicked his tongue, taking a napkin and dabbing it against her lips. "Don't use your hand, Braveheart. Were you raised in a barn?"

Tessa pouted at him, but allowed Draco to wipe her mouth for her, the color starting to rise on her cheeks.

Theo snickered, pouring more bourbon to his glass. "You're the real heathen between us."

Draco snarled softly under his breath.

"Oh, so I can't make comments now against your wife?" Theo's mouth hung open in disbelief. "Not even a minute ago, you literally called her uncultured!"

Tessa giggled. "He's my husband, he has special privileges."

Draco smirked, leaning over to whisper something into her ear as Theo and Philip gagged at the way she began to flush even harder.

"Keep it in your house," Philip said with a shudder. "I very much prefer not throwing up at the moment as I can't wheel myself away that fast."

Theo snorted into his glass as he laughed at what Philip said, his eyes watering as his throat and nose burned from the alcohol.

"Have another one, Tessie," Philip cooed, popping open another bottle and handing it over to her.

"Tessa, ten is your limit," Draco said in a quiet but stern voice. "You still have work tomorrow morning."

Theo waved a hand. "Relax, mother hen — we both have work tomorrow morning. I'll bring her hangover soup, it's all good."

Draco rolled his eyes. "Just remember — when she finally gets drunk, it's both of your faults." Philip snickered, pouring himself another glass as he offered some to Draco who shook his head. "It's okay, one of us needs to be sober to get home safely."

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