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(n.) a snow storm accompanied by a very strong wind, which causes the snow to drift

TESSA STAYED BY SEBASTIAN'S SIDE FOR THREE NIGHTS STRAIGHT. He slept for three whole days since that night he'd fallen unconscious from the snake's bite. The venom seemed to be flushing out of his system, his arm no longer swollen and red as color seemed to regain on his ashen face. She found shelter for them, and there she tried her best to bring down his fever.

She had no idea where they were — she didn't risk Apparating somewhere else when Sebastian still wasn't awake. But she did her best to protect them both with spells and a makeshift place for him to sleep on.

     It wasn't until the fourth morning — at the early signs of dawn kissing the night away — did Sebastian finally wake up.

Tessa was curled up against the trunk of a tree, watching the sunrise before her that overlooked the lake's waters that lazily rippled with tranquility. She had been deep in her thoughts on whether or not Harry and Hermione had gotten out okay and if Ron was still out there or if he'd gotten back home safely. She didn't notice Sebastian stirring on the small cot next to her with a bedsheet she'd stolen from the village nearby hung up around as a tent.

She wouldn't have realized he'd been turning in his sleep until he suddenly murmured a name — one that wasn't unfamiliar to Tessa.


Tessa jerked up from where she sat, and whipped her head around to face him.

     Sebastian was still laying dormant on the cot, face screwed up as though he were in pain. His chest rose and fell heavily with every breath he took — sweat beading at his forehead as he tossed and turned restlessly. "Blair," he mumbled, his voice laced with a hundred years' worth of pain and longing.

     Tessa pushed herself off the tree, crawling to approach the male's side as she hesitated — unsure of how to wake him up. "Bash?" she called out meekly, "Bash, can you hear me?"

     A choked sob left him as he gritted his teeth, a trail of tear slipping down his cheek. "Blair, please don't go," he whispered brokenly.

     Tessa's heart shattered at the realization on Sebastian calling out for his mate.

     "Please don't leave me alone again."

     "Bash," Tessa said again, a little bit firmer this time as she placed a hand on his shoulder, his skin blazing hot to the touch.

     Sebastian shot forward, eyes flying up to reveal the turquoise color in them burning brightly. He let out a strangled gasp, a hand reaching up to grasp his bicep where he'd been bitten.

     Tessa yelped at the sudden movement, falling backwards onto her elbows as she stared at Sebastian in surprise.

     He was still breathing heavily and shakily, gaze falling upon her and he exhaled loudly in relief. "Néos drakaina," he murmured, offering her his hand as he helped her back to a sitting position.

     "Are you okay?" Tessa asked at once. "Are you still hurt?"

     He shook his head, raking a hand through his brown hair. "No, I'm okay now — my body healed itself and incorporated the snake's venom into my own. Don't worry — I'll live." He cracked a grin at her, flashing those incisors.

     She sighed wearily, pinching the bridge of her nose. "I was so worried — you've been asleep for four days. I was thinking of leaving your ass behind while I Apparate to wherever Harry and Hermione or even Ron is."

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