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(n.) someone who is in love; someone who writes about love

TESSA WAS MORE THAN RELIEVED TO GO BACK TO CLASS ON MONDAY. These past few days, she had been exhausted from the lack of sleep because of the stupid storm. After that night she shared with Malfoy in the closet, she went to sleep with her heart at ease. The succeeding days spent holed up in the hospital wing were hell — she had hoped to sneak out and perhaps find a certain somebody waiting for her in the closet, but Madam Pomfrey had been keeping an eye on her.

     Suffice to say, she barely got any sleep. Now, she was drowning herself with coffee in the breakfast table before class.

     As soon as they made their way to Potions, Tessa popped some mints into her mouth which should help ebb away the strong smell of coffee in her breath.

     She walked in the room, her eyes almost instantly meeting a pair of gray ones across the place. For a moment, she stopped moving and simply looked back. His mouth quirked up to a wry smirk, and without even caring who could see — he gave her a nod.

     Tessa cocked her head to the side, faintly smiling back at him with amusement before going over to her seat beside Theo who had badgered her on her wellbeing.

     Classes started, and Malfoy began to do Dementor imitations to Harry. There was a difference in his actions, Tessa noticed. It wasn't as spiteful and taunting as it used to be. It seemed as though he was just a boy looking for attention, something he seemed to lack. She supposed this was why he easily understood her.

     Ron had gotten sick of Malfoy's antics, and flung a large crocodile heart straight at Malfoy's face. Tessa had burst out laughing at that before Snape took away fifty points from Gryffindor.

     "If Snape's teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts again, I'm skiving off," Ron said as they went their way to Lupin's class. "Check who's in there, Hermione."

Hermione peeked inside before grinning at them. "It's okay!"

Tessa quickly bounded inside, but frowned at the sight of Lupin looking ill. He had gotten even thinner than the last time, and there were dark shadows under his eyes. He still smiled at them as they took their seats, before the class all burst out complaining about Snape.

"It's not fair, he was only filling in, why should he give us homework?"

"We don't know anything about werewolves —"

"— two rolls of parchment!"

"Did you tell Professor Snape we haven't covered them yet?" Lupin asked, frowning slightly.

"Yes, but he said we were really behind —"

"— he wouldn't listen —"

"— two rolls of parchment!"

Lupin smiled at them instead of being upset. In a warm voice, he assured everyone, "Don't worry. I'll speak to Professor Snape. You don't have to do the essay."

Tessa beamed and cupped her hands around her mouth. "You're the best, Professor Lupin!" She raised her hands to shoot finger guns at him.

"Oh no," Hermione cried out disappointedly, in complete contrast to Tessa. "I've already finished it!"

Today's lesson was about Hinkypunks, little one-legged creatures made of wisps. "Lures travelers into bogs," Professor Lupin said as they took notes. "You notice the lantern dangling from his hand? Hops ahead — people follow the light — then — "

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