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>James never got to tell Catherine what he smelled from the Amortentia potion.

>Catherine doesn't have a scarf because Lily lost hers, and Catherine gave her own to the redhead.

>James tripped over the deck of cards Catherine spilled all over the Hogwarts Express during their first year, and when she saw him — she had the biggest crush on James.

>James's parents loved Catherine so much that they'd joke about considering swapping James for her.

>Sometimes, Catherine would have nightmares about what Bellatrix did to her, and she would wake James up by screaming and crying. The nights when it would happen, Catherine couldn't go back to sleep, so James would try and distract her by making her warm milk and playing cards or anything that'll get her mind off her nightmare. Most of the times, it usually ended up with both of them back in bed and under the sheets with clothes off.

>Sundays are always a day of sleeping in, and whenever Catherine would try to slip out of bed, James would just hug her to keep her from leaving. Eventually, she managed to sneak out to the kitchen to make something for lunch for the two of them successfully without burning down the kitchen.

>James would always pretend that he didn't like how Catherine leaves him alone in bed to try to cook, but he adored how attractive she looked standing in front of the stove with just his shirt on.

>Sometimes during family gatherings or important meetings with the Order, James would lean over to whisper funny jokes to make her laugh. Catherine would always end up laughing at inappropriate moments that she'd have to switch places with someone for the while.

>Whenever they'd fight, James's heart would always hurt immeasurably. He hated arguing with Catherine that the two would instantly talk their problems out and solve them. The two would never go to sleep or separate from each other unless they talked things out.

>One time, Catherine was home alone while James was at work. She fell asleep and had a nightmare of Voldemort killing everyone she's ever loved, and she woke up crying with her heart so painful. James came home and found her curled into a ball by the couch. He hugged her and comforted her, but seeing her in pain always made him hurt inside that he'd end up crying softly with her.

>Whenever the two are in bed and James is pretending to be asleep, Catherine would snuggle closer to him and gently trace his features as she tells him how much she loves him until she would eventually fall asleep.

>Sirius would come over sometimes to visit her, and they'd both plant a trap for James to prank him when he'd get home. Remus would join them sometimes and pretend to act innocent when James would get tricked and demand who was part of the prank.

>When in public, James tries to keep Catherine away from alcohol. But when alone in their house, he doesn't restrain her from drinking because she was always a very amusing drunk.


>McGonagall wanted to tell Tessa that both James and Catherine would have been proud of her for getting into the Quidditch team, but only mentioned Catherine

>Tessa hated Draco the first time she met him, but he found her so beautiful and interesting when she bumped into him in the train

>When Tessa encountered Voldemort during detention with Draco and Neville, Draco got so scared when Tessa got hurt that he wasn't thinking when he shot those red sparks

>even though Tessa always felt little next to Catherine because of how she didn't have the powers or magic to compare to her mom's, Catherine always convinced her that Tessa was smarter (Cat would always cheat in exams while Tessa barely even studied) and that Tessa's bravery was something Catherine never had, she admits she was a coward for selfishly sacrificing herself to not give Voldemort what he wanted

>after the Battle of Hogwarts, it took Tessa a year before she could perform a Patronus charm again

>The two don't really have arguments with each other, they always try to negotiate and meet each other halfway. They do bicker a lot, that's unavoidable, but they always solve any arising problems in order to avoid having them get to the point where a fight could happen.

>Draco never told Tessa about the forehead kiss during the night of the Yule Ball, it slipped out his mind that it was technically his first kiss to her and he'd forgotten to mention it

>Tessa indeed became the first Chief Witch of the Wizengamot to ever exist — and true to her word, the first thing she took care of was the issue of libels and defamations on newspapers and tabloids.

>She actually was interested in the medical career (if you think of it, she'd always help tend to injuries like that one time during the Quidditch World Cup) but when she made a light comment on being the first ever a Chief Witch just to take down Rita Skeeter in Chapter 44, Redamancy, they all laughed. This was what spurned her to prove them all wrong and set her goals.

>On the day she was promoted Chief Witch, she Apparated directly to the Granger-Weasley house just to say "I told you so" smugly to Hermione, eventually leading to Ron laughing his ass off so hard that he still chuckles to think of that memory.

>Draco gets bored frequently at home before they had Scorpius, and would constantly visit Tessa almost everyday at work.

>She kept chastising him to behave because the walls are thin, and he can't keep his hands to himself. "It's the damn Louboutins," he'd say in defense.

>Draco and Tessa's daughter played as Keeper in Hogwarts, and it makes them laugh to think of how Gilderoy Lockhart was right with him saying her child would continue the Valentine Quidditch Legacy.

>Their daughter Theodasia (Daisie) has the biggest crush on Damian Nott who's also her brother's best friend. Lorcan Scamander is always picking on her and purposely making it obvious to Damian that she likes him. Lorcan has liked Daisie for years, but gets jealous over her infatuation on Damian that he can't help but to resort to a cocky and arrogant person around her.

>Daisie ends up dating Lorcan during Christmas Eve of their sixth year

>Cecily's magic doesn't appear in Scorpius or Daisie, it skips a generation and goes down Daisie's bloodline

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