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(n.) the experiences, positive or negative, that we feel most deeply, and through which we live; not mere experiences, but Experiences

THE REASON WHY HARRY DIDN'T CATCH TESSA WHEN SHE FELL WAS BECAUSE OF THE SHELL. As soon as he saw Alecto, the first thing he could think of was the shell Nikolai had given to him, not Draco's wand that he still had in his pocket. But when the Carrow woman touched her Mark, Harry cried out in pain as he doubled over and dropped the shell.

"NO!" Tessa shouted, scrambling to her feet when she watched the little object roll to where Alecto stood. "DON'T STEP ON IT!"

But of course — Alecto fell for her plan and crushed the seashell under her shoe.

And an enormous serpentine made entirely of water bursted forth from within the shell. Alecto was screaming, tumbling backwards as the force of the snake's attack sent her to the ground. As the water enveloped her whole, the creature breaking out of its shape, the witch was knocked unconscious as she lay unmoving on the ground.

     "You okay?" Harry asked worriedly, approaching Tessa as he surveyed her quickly for any injuries. At her assuring nod, he called out, "Luna, where are you? We need to get under the Cloak!"

     Just as the two hurried back under the Cloak, Ravenclaws began entering the common room in their nightclothes. They'd obviously woken up from Alecto's scream and the loud noise of the water snake's attack.

     They crowded over the unconscious woman, gasping in shock over what could have possibly happened.

     "I think she might be dead!" a first year shouted happily.

     "Oh, look," Luna whispered. "They're pleased!"

     Harry shut his eyes for a moment. "Yeah . . . great . . . "

     Tessa jolted in surprise at the sudden rap on the common room door just as every single Ravenclaw held their breath in fear.

     The eagle knocker asked, "Where do Vanished objects go?"

     "I dunno, do I? Shut it!" Amycus Carrow's voice snarled in response. "Alecto? Alecto? Are you there? Have you got them? Open the door!"

Tessa glanced around to find the Ravenclaws whispering to each other with horrorstruck expressions. She jumped from where she stood hidden at the sudden series of loud bangs of explosion to the door.

"ALECTO!" Amycus was yelling. "If he comes, and we haven't got the Potters — d'you want to go the same way as the Malfoys? ANSWER ME!"

Tessa flinched in worry for the Ravenclaws who began backing away from the door while the younger ones scampered back up the stairs.

Just then, the very familiar voice of Professor McGonagall echoed sharply from the outside. "May I ask what you are doing, Professor Carrow?"

"Trying — to get — through this damned — door! Go and get Flitwick! Get him to open it, now!"

"But isn't your sister in there? Didn't Professor Flitwick let her in earlier this evening, at your urgent request? Perhaps she could open the door for you? Then you needn't wake up half the castle."

"She ain't answering, you old besom! You open it! Garn! Do it, now!"

Tessa scowled murderously at that, her fingers curling into fists. Nobody talks down to McGonagall like that and get away with it.

"Certainly, if you wish it," McGonagall responded coldly.

With another knock to the door, the musical voice asked, "Where do Vanished objects go?"

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