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(n.) a strong desire to travel

TESSA WOKE UP TO TOMMY FLAPPING HIS WINGS AGAINST HIS CAGE. With a disgruntled groan, she got up to feed him some food before getting ready for the day. Shrugging on her trench coat, Tessa yanked open the bedroom door, only to find herself stepping into the parlor where everyone was having breakfast. She sighed to herself; no use in trying to control the strange power if it happens sporadically. Sometimes, it would work if she just focused really hard on opening doors to places she wanted to go to.

After breakfast, Tessa went back up to her room to haul her heavy trunk down the staircase. Fred came over to help her, bless his soul, so she was able to hold onto Tommy's cage and The Picture of Dorian Gray in the other hand. Reaching near the door with everyone else, she thanked Fred who smiled back at her.

     "It's all right, Crookshanks," Hermione cooed through the wickerwork basket where her cat was. "I'll let you out on the train."

     "You won't," Ron snapped. "What about poor Scabbers, eh?" He pointed at his chest where his rat was stuffed inside his pocket. Tessa rolled her eyes with Harry, shaking her head at their ongoing argument.

     Arthur, who had been outside waiting for the Ministry cars, stuck his head inside. "They're here," he said. "Come on." They all walked over to where there were dark green cars lined up outside. "In you get, Harry," Arthur told Harry who was then followed by Tessa, Hermione, and Ron. Finally, they arrived in King's Cross station where they each got a trolley for their trunks and cages. "Right then," Arthur said, glancing around them. "Let's do this in pairs, as there are so many of us. I'll go through first with Harry."

     Ron went with Hermione, Tessa went with Ginny, the twins went together, while Percy went with Molly. The Hogwarts Express came into sight and Tessa couldn't fight the large beam on her face. Strangely enough, she'd never felt so much happiness at the mere sight of a train. She glanced down at her left wrist where her charm bracelet covered her scar, she toyed with the Hogwarts Express and book charms.

     She hoped she can one day find out who's been giving her all these presents.

     "Ah, there's Penelope!" Percy said out loud, striding over to his girlfriend. Tessa watched as Ginny and Harry shared a smile and she raised an eyebrow and smirked at that.

     They went inside, walking all the way to the back of the train. Finding some empty compartments, they loaded their trunks and cages inside before heading back outside to say goodbye to Molly and Arthur. Tessa eagerly accepted Molly's warm embrace, squeezing her back before she went to hug Harry as well. Then she opened her purse and said, "I've made you all sandwiches. Here you are, Ron . . . no, they're not corned beef . . . Fred? Where's Fred? Here you are dear . . . "

     "Harry, Tessa," she heard Arthur call them quietly, "come over here for a moment."

     Tessa shared a look with Harry, already having a clue what it was about before they shuffled over behind a pillar to talk with the older man.

     "There's something I've got to tell you before you leave —"

     "It's all right, Mr. Weasley," Harry said,

     "We already know," Tessa added.

     Arthur's eyes were wide as he stammered out, "You know? How could you two know?"

     "We — er — we heard you and Mrs. Wesley talking last night. We couldn't help hearing," Harry explained.

     Tessa coughed awkwardly. "We're sorry."

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