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(n.) the far distance

TESSA WASN'T IN THE BEST MOOD THE NEXT FEW DAYS. Malfoy hasn't appeared in any of their classes, he hasn't been discharged yet from the infirmary. To make things worse, Harry, Hermione, and Ron seemed to be plotting against the blond. Tessa had tried to countlessly give her two cents on how it wasn't entirely Malfoy's fault. Sure, he was stupid for calling Buckbeak ugly, but he wasn't pretending to be in pain.

"All right, Tess?" came a familiar voice to her right as she walked alone to her Potions classroom. The other three had taken to their endless spite against Malfoy, and Tessa grew irritated at hearing it, so she fell behind their walks and went alone.

Tessa shifted the books in her hand and smiled up at the taller boy. "Hey, Fred." She flashed her dimples at him and he ruffled her hair gently.

"You don't look too happy this morning," Fred pointed out with a worried expression.

Tessa sighed. "Yeah, I just have a lot going on in my mind, I suppose."

Fred's eyes softened at her as he continued to walk her to her class. "Listen, I know I'm probably not your first choice when it comes to opening up your bottle of emotions, but I'm always here for you. If you ever wanna talk about anything," he paused as they came upon the front door of the Potions room, "you can always come to me."

Tessa's shoulders relaxed, the weight seeming to vanish for that moment. "Fred," she said quietly, her lips tugging up to a smile as she climbed on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Thank you," she whispered, "that means a lot to me."

Fred froze for a split second before his own arms wounded around hers and held her tightly against him. "Anytime, Tess," he murmured into her ear.

Tessa was grateful for Fred, and especially at this time when she was being ignored by her three best friends. To have someone be there for her — it's something Tessa will always be thankful for.

"When you two lovers are done flirting with each other, I would greatly appreciate it if you don't block the entrance," a voice drawled sardonically from behind them.

Tessa pulled her arms back from Fred, the boy's hands still lightly holding her waist as she twisted around to see Malfoy. His arm was bound in a sling, and his gray eyes were as hard as steel as he gave Fred a stony look, his jaw clenching.

"Malfoy!" Tessa couldn't help but to exclaim in surprise. She didn't expect to see him already, and especially not at this moment.

His eyes slid over to look at her, and she opened her mouth to ask him if he was feeling much better, but he had glanced away and ignored her. Without another word, Malfoy strode into the classroom, deliberately coming between them and forcing Fred to let go of Tessa.

Fred had a frown on his face, but said nothing as Tessa watched the boy with a shocked face. "Fred, I'll catch you later, okay?" With a nod from the redhead, Tessa ran inside. Malfoy was still standing at the back of the class, Pansy inspecting his arm. She bounded over, coming in front of him. "Malfoy," she said breathlessly, watching the way he blinked casually at her as though he were bored. "Are — are you feeling better now?"

Pansy gave her a sneer. "Who gave you permission to talk to Draco, you rabid dog — ?"

"Come up with a better insult, why don't you?" Tessa snapped at her.

Malfoy shrugged Pansy's hand away as he told her, "Not now, Pansy." He jerked his chin tot he direction of the seats and Pansy huffed, rolled her eyes, but went off to take her seat with Millicent Bulstrode. Malfoy glanced back at Tessa with a guarded expression. "Why do you care, Valentine? I'm your enemy, aren't I? So just go back to minding your own bloody business, and stop pretending you care about my wellbeing."

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